Graphene-based spintronics
Graphene, the first isolated two-dimensional atomic crystal, is about to pass its 20th year.
The last decade has been a critical period for graphene to gradually move from the …
The last decade has been a critical period for graphene to gradually move from the …
γ-Graphyne-based coordination, composite, and hybrid materials: Synthesis, characterizations, and advanced applications
The increasing energy demand and technological advancements contribute to
environmental and energy crises. Addressing these challenges requires exploring …
environmental and energy crises. Addressing these challenges requires exploring …
Long-lived valley states in bilayer graphene quantum dots
Bilayer graphene is a promising platform for electrically controllable qubits in a two-
dimensional material. Of particular interest is the ability to encode quantum information in …
dimensional material. Of particular interest is the ability to encode quantum information in …
Spin-valley locked excited states spectroscoy in a one-particle bilayer graphene quantum dot
Current semiconductor qubits rely either on the spin or on the charge degree of freedom to
encode quantum information. By contrast, in bilayer graphene the valley degree of freedom …
encode quantum information. By contrast, in bilayer graphene the valley degree of freedom …
[HTML][HTML] Universal time-domain Prony fitting decomposition for optimized hierarchical quantum master equations
In this Communication, we propose the time-domain Prony fitting decomposition (t-PFD) as
an accurate and efficient exponential series method, applicable to arbitrary bath correlation …
an accurate and efficient exponential series method, applicable to arbitrary bath correlation …
Particle–hole symmetry protects spin-valley blockade in graphene quantum dots
Particle–hole symmetry plays an important role in the characterization of topological phases
in solid-state systems. It is found, for example, in free-fermion systems at half filling and it is …
in solid-state systems. It is found, for example, in free-fermion systems at half filling and it is …
Pauli blockade of tunable two-electron spin and valley states in graphene quantum dots
Pauli blockade mechanisms—whereby carrier transport through quantum dots (QD) is
blocked due to selection rules even when energetically allowed—are a direct manifestation …
blocked due to selection rules even when energetically allowed—are a direct manifestation …
Microbes in porous environments: from active interactions to emergent feedback
Microbes thrive in diverse porous environments—from soil and riverbeds to human lungs
and cancer tissues—spanning multiple scales and conditions. Short-to long-term …
and cancer tissues—spanning multiple scales and conditions. Short-to long-term …
Single-shot spin readout in graphene quantum dots
Electrostatically defined quantum dots in bilayer graphene offer a promising platform for spin
qubits with presumably long coherence times due to low spin-orbit coupling and low nuclear …
qubits with presumably long coherence times due to low spin-orbit coupling and low nuclear …
Parity-independent Kondo effect of correlated electrons in electrostatically defined ZnO quantum dots
Quantum devices such as spin qubits have been extensively investigated in electrostatically
confined quantum dots using high-quality semiconductor heterostructures like GaAs and Si …
confined quantum dots using high-quality semiconductor heterostructures like GaAs and Si …