A bibliometric analysis of 20 years of research on software product lines
Context: Software product line engineering has proven to be an efficient paradigm to
develo** families of similar software systems at lower costs, in shorter time, and with …
develo** families of similar software systems at lower costs, in shorter time, and with …
[КНИГА][B] Software product line engineering: foundations, principles, and techniques
K Pohl, G Böckle, F Van Der Linden - 2005 - Springer
Highlights key differences of software product line engineering compared to traditional
single software system development, as the need for two distinct development processes for …
single software system development, as the need for two distinct development processes for …
[КНИГА][B] Software product lines in action: the best industrial practice in product line engineering
FJ Van der Linden, K Schmid, E Rommes - 2007 - books.google.com
Software product lines represent perhaps the most exciting paradigm shift in software
development since the advent of high-level programming languages. Nowhere else in …
development since the advent of high-level programming languages. Nowhere else in …
An exploratory study of cloning in industrial software product lines
Many companies develop software product lines-collections of similar products-by cloning
and adapting artifacts of existing product variants. Transforming such cloned product …
and adapting artifacts of existing product variants. Transforming such cloned product …
Software product line sco**: A systematic literature review
Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference -
Volume A: Software product line sco** Page 1 Software product line sco**: A systematic …
Volume A: Software product line sco** Page 1 Software product line sco**: A systematic …
Testing a software product line
JD McGregor - Pernambuco Summer School on Software Engineering, 2007 - Springer
The software product line approach to the development of software intensive systems has
been used by organizations to improve quality, increase productivity and reduce cycle time …
been used by organizations to improve quality, increase productivity and reduce cycle time …
Enabling reuse-based software development of large-scale systems
RW Selby - IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Software reuse enables developers to leverage past accomplishments and facilitates
significant improvements in software productivity and quality. Software reuse catalyzes …
significant improvements in software productivity and quality. Software reuse catalyzes …
Business application acquisition: On-premise or SaaS-based solutions?
The benefits of migrating business software applications to the cloud is a dominant IT topic
among consultants, software managers, and executives. The broad interest in cloud …
among consultants, software managers, and executives. The broad interest in cloud …
An empirical examination of application frameworks success based on technology acceptance model
Framework-based development is currently regarded as one of the most promising software
development approaches when it comes to improvements in lead time, productivity and …
development approaches when it comes to improvements in lead time, productivity and …
[КНИГА][B] The structured intuitive model for product line economics (SIMPLE)
P Clements, JD McGregor, SG Cohen - 2005 - kilthub.cmu.edu
Software product line practice is an effective strategy for develo** families of
softwareintensive products. Business modeling is a fundamental practice that provides input …
softwareintensive products. Business modeling is a fundamental practice that provides input …