Hash-Based Multi-Signatures for Post-Quantum Ethereum
With the threat posed by quantum computers on the horizon, systems like Ethereum must
transition to cryptographic primitives resistant to quantum attacks. One of the most critical of …
transition to cryptographic primitives resistant to quantum attacks. One of the most critical of …
Ringtail: Practical Two-Round Threshold Signatures from Learning with Errors
A threshold signature scheme splits the signing key among $\ell $ parties, such that any $ t $-
subset of parties can jointly generate signatures on a given message. Designing concretely …
subset of parties can jointly generate signatures on a given message. Designing concretely …
Lattice-based Multisignature Optimization for RAM Constrained Devices
In the era of growing threats posed by the development of quantum computers, ensuring the
security of electronic services has become fundamental. The ongoing standardization …
security of electronic services has become fundamental. The ongoing standardization …
TOPCOAT: towards practical two-party Crystals-Dilithium
The development of threshold protocols based on lattice-signature schemes has been of
increasing interest in the past several years. The main research focus has been towards …
increasing interest in the past several years. The main research focus has been towards …