Guided ultrasonic waves propagation imaging: A review
This article presents a comprehensive review of the laser-based guided ultrasonic waves
propagation imaging (G-UPI) system and respective signal/data processing methods related …
propagation imaging (G-UPI) system and respective signal/data processing methods related …
Computerized ultrasonic imaging inspection: From shallow to deep learning
J Ye, S Ito, N Toyama - Sensors, 2018 - mdpi.com
For many decades, ultrasonic imaging inspection has been adopted as a principal method
to detect multiple defects, eg, void and corrosion. However, the data interpretation relies on …
to detect multiple defects, eg, void and corrosion. However, the data interpretation relies on …
CrackEmbed: Point feature embedding for crack segmentation from disaster site point clouds with anomaly detection
Laser-scanned point clouds can be used to represent the 3D as-damaged condition of
building structures in a post-disaster scenario. Performing crack detection from the acquired …
building structures in a post-disaster scenario. Performing crack detection from the acquired …
Structural damage detection using deep learning of ultrasonic guided waves
Structural health monitoring using ultrasonic guided waves relies on accurate interpretation
of guided wave propagation to distinguish damage state indicators. However, traditional …
of guided wave propagation to distinguish damage state indicators. However, traditional …
Next generation NDE sensor systems as IIoT elements of industry 4.0
ABSTRACT Industry 4.0 (I4. 0) describes the current revolution of the industrial world with a
strong impact on the complete production sector. Data about production processes and the …
strong impact on the complete production sector. Data about production processes and the …
Development of frequency-mixed point-focusing shear horizontal guided-wave EMAT for defect inspection using deep neural network
H Sun, L Peng, S Wang, S Huang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We propose a new frequency-mixed point-focusing shear horizontal (SH) guided-wave
electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) in this work to obtain the defect positions and …
electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) in this work to obtain the defect positions and …
Damage imaging of composite structures using multipath scattering Lamb waves
L Zeng, L Huang, J Lin - Composite Structures, 2019 - Elsevier
The application prospect of a permanently installed structural health monitoring (SHM)
system for composite structural prognosis may be determined by the reliability, cost and the …
system for composite structural prognosis may be determined by the reliability, cost and the …
[HTML][HTML] Baseline-free guided wave damage detection with surrogate data and dictionary learning
In guided wave structural health monitoring, damage detection is often accomplished by
comparing measurements before damage (ie, baseline data) and after damage (ie, test …
comparing measurements before damage (ie, baseline data) and after damage (ie, test …
Lamb wave mode decomposition based on cross-Wigner-Ville distribution and its application to anomaly imaging for structural health monitoring
Lamb waves are characterized by their multimodal and dispersive propagation, which often
complicates analysis. This paper presents a method for separation of the mode components …
complicates analysis. This paper presents a method for separation of the mode components …
Effective combination of modeling and experimental data with deep metric learning for guided wave-based damage localization in plates
Data-driven methods have emerged as promising approaches for guided wave-based
damage localization. The success of the methods highly depends on the amount and the …
damage localization. The success of the methods highly depends on the amount and the …