Microstructural size effect on the notch fatigue behavior of a Ni-based superalloy using crystal plasticity modelling approach
Fatigue performances of critical structures are strongly affected by the microstructural (eg
grain, defect, inclusion, etc.) size effect, and it is thus important to quantify their detrimental …
grain, defect, inclusion, etc.) size effect, and it is thus important to quantify their detrimental …
A review of fatigue crack growth resistance in the short crack growth regime
K Sadananda, MN Babu, AK Vasudevan - Materials Science and …, 2019 - Elsevier
The resistance to the short-crack growth and the observed threshold behavior of short cracks
are examined using the Unified Approach that is based on the two-parametric nature of …
are examined using the Unified Approach that is based on the two-parametric nature of …
An artificial neural network modeling approach for short and long fatigue crack propagation
Fatigue crack growth-based damage modeling approaches have received great interest due
to its critical importance in the industry. However, a substantial deficiency of an explicit …
to its critical importance in the industry. However, a substantial deficiency of an explicit …
A crystal plasticity-based approach for creep-fatigue life prediction and damage evaluation in a nickel-based superalloy
A numerical process based on crystal plasticity finite element (CPFE) was implemented to
predict creep-fatigue crack initiation life. CPFE-based model can describe the macroscopic …
predict creep-fatigue crack initiation life. CPFE-based model can describe the macroscopic …
Hierarchical microstructure based crystal plasticity-continuum damage mechanics approach: Model development and validation of rolling contact fatigue behavior
A microstructure-based integrated crystal plasticity (CP) and continuum damage mechanics
(CDM) model is proposed for simulating rolling contact fatigue (RCF). The damage process …
(CDM) model is proposed for simulating rolling contact fatigue (RCF). The damage process …
Crack initiation sensitivity of wrought direct aged alloy 718 in the very high cycle fatigue regime: the role of non-metallic inclusions
Fatigue crack initiation in the direct aged version of the nickel-based superalloy Inconel 718
has been investigated at room temperature in the low stress/very high cycle regime via …
has been investigated at room temperature in the low stress/very high cycle regime via …
Surface characterization and fatigue evaluation in GH4169 superalloy: comparing results after finish turning; shot peening and surface polishing treatments
D Wu, C Yao, D Zhang - International Journal of Fatigue, 2018 - Elsevier
In this study, shot peening was applied to the GH4169 superalloy, and the effect of surface
polishing treatment on fatigue life of shot-peened specimens was investigated. The surface …
polishing treatment on fatigue life of shot-peened specimens was investigated. The surface …
High temperature fatigue and creep-fatigue behaviors in a Ni-based superalloy: Damage mechanisms and life assessment
The low cycle fatigue (LCF) and creep-fatigue behaviors of Ni-based GH4169 superalloy are
investigated by uniaxial strain-controlled fully-reversed testing at 650° C. Compared with …
investigated by uniaxial strain-controlled fully-reversed testing at 650° C. Compared with …
Slip transfer and crack initiation at grain and twin boundaries during strain-controlled fatigue of solution-hardened Ni-based alloys
Slip transfer/blocking at grain and twin boundaries as well as preferential fatigue crack
nucleation locations were studied in two solution-hardened Ni-based alloys (Inconel 600 …
nucleation locations were studied in two solution-hardened Ni-based alloys (Inconel 600 …
Influence of grain size on the small fatigue crack initiation and propagation behaviors of a nickel-based superalloy at 650° C
GH4169 at 650° C in atmosphere was investigated by using single edge notch tensile
specimens. The number of main cracks and crack initiation mechanisms at the notch surface …
specimens. The number of main cracks and crack initiation mechanisms at the notch surface …