[KNJIGA][B] Kernelization: theory of parameterized preprocessing

FV Fomin, D Lokshtanov, S Saurabh, M Zehavi - 2019 - books.google.com
Preprocessing, or data reduction, is a standard technique for simplifying and speeding up
computation. Written by a team of experts in the field, this book introduces a rapidly …

[KNJIGA][B] Fundamentals of parameterized complexity

RG Downey, MR Fellows - 2013 - Springer
Parameterized complexity/multivariate complexity algorithmics is an exciting field of modern
algorithm design and analysis, with a broad range of theoretical and practical aspects that …

[KNJIGA][B] Parameterized algorithms

M Cygan, FV Fomin, Ł Kowalik, D Lokshtanov, D Marx… - 2015 - Springer
The goal of this textbook is twofold. First, the book serves as an introduction to the field of
parameterized algorithms and complexity accessible to graduate students and advanced …

Planar F-deletion: Approximation, kernelization and optimal FPT algorithms

FV Fomin, D Lokshtanov, N Misra… - 2012 IEEE 53rd Annual …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Let F be a finite set of graphs. In the F-DELETION problem, we are given an n-vertex graph
G and an integer k as input, and asked whether at most k vertices can be deleted from G …

[HTML][HTML] A survey on approximation in parameterized complexity: Hardness and algorithms

AE Feldmann, KC S, E Lee, P Manurangsi - Algorithms, 2020 - mdpi.com
Parameterization and approximation are two popular ways of co** with NP-hard
problems. More recently, the two have also been combined to derive many interesting …

Bidimensionality and kernels

FV Fomin, D Lokshtanov, S Saurabh… - Proceedings of the twenty …, 2010 - SIAM
Bidimensionality theory appears to be a powerful framework in the development of meta-
algorithmic techniques. It was introduced by Demaine et al.[J. ACM 2005] as a tool to obtain …

(Meta) kernelization

HL Bodlaender, FV Fomin, D Lokshtanov… - Journal of the ACM …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
In a parameterized problem, every instance I comes with a positive integer k. The problem is
said to admit a polynomial kernel if, in polynomial time, one can reduce the size of the …

[HTML][HTML] Towards fully multivariate algorithmics: Parameter ecology and the deconstruction of computational complexity

MR Fellows, BMP Jansen, F Rosamond - European Journal of …, 2013 - Elsevier
The aim of this article is to motivate and describe the parameter ecology program, which
studies how different parameters contribute to the difficulty of classical problems. We call for …

Efficient approximation schemes for stochastic probing and prophet problems

D Segev, S Singla - Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Our main contribution is a general framework to design efficient polynomial time
approximation schemes (EPTAS) for fundamental stochastic combinatorial optimization …

The directed grid theorem

K Kawarabayashi, S Kreutzer - Proceedings of the forty-seventh annual …, 2015 - dl.acm.org
The grid theorem, originally proved in 1986 by Robertson and Seymour in Graph Minors V,
is one of the most central results in the study of graph minors. It has found numerous …