Micro-foundational ambidexterity and multinational enterprises: a systematic review and a conceptual framework
During the past decade, ambidexterity research has broadened from its traditional macro-
level focus to examine the micro-level perspectives of ambidexterity on various settings. The …
level focus to examine the micro-level perspectives of ambidexterity on various settings. The …
Ambidexterity and entrepreneurship studies: A literature review and research agenda
Originated by an individual capacity, organizational ambidexterity represents how
organizations do two different things equally well (ie, efficiency and flexibility, adaptability …
organizations do two different things equally well (ie, efficiency and flexibility, adaptability …
Data intelligence and analytics: A bibliometric analysis of human–Artificial intelligence in public sector decision-making effectiveness
This study investigates the literary corpus of the role and potential of data intelligence and
analytics through the lenses of artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and the human–AI …
analytics through the lenses of artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and the human–AI …
[HTML][HTML] Trustworthy AI in the public sector: An empirical analysis of a Swedish labor market decision-support system
This paper investigates the deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Swedish Public
Employment Service (PES), focusing on the concept of trustworthy AI in public decision …
Employment Service (PES), focusing on the concept of trustworthy AI in public decision …
[ספר][B] Organization: contemporary principles and practice
J Child - 2015 - books.google.com
The definitive organization management text for executives and aspiring business leaders
Organization: Contemporary Principles and Practices, Second Edition is the completely …
Organization: Contemporary Principles and Practices, Second Edition is the completely …
A knowledge-based theory of the firm: Nexus of intellectual capital, productivity and firms' performance
Purpose Drawing on the knowledge-based theory of the firm, the purpose of this paper is to
examine the relationship between each facet of intellectual capital, productivity and firms' …
examine the relationship between each facet of intellectual capital, productivity and firms' …
Ambidexterity as practice: Individual ambidexterity through paradoxical practices
Following the turn to practice in organization theory and the emerging interest in the
microfoundations of ambidexterity, understanding the role of individuals in realizing …
microfoundations of ambidexterity, understanding the role of individuals in realizing …
Guest editors' introduction: The role of human resources and organizational factors in ambidexterity
Ambidexterity is a growing field of management research. However, the role of human
resources (HR) and organizational factors needs further exploration because of the …
resources (HR) and organizational factors needs further exploration because of the …
Is ambidexterity the missing link between entrepreneurship, management, and innovation?
Organizational ambidexterity refers to an organization's ability to perform two tasks equally
proficiently. These tasks include efficiency vs. flexibility, adaptability vs. alignment …
proficiently. These tasks include efficiency vs. flexibility, adaptability vs. alignment …
Behavioral ambidexterity: The impact of incentive schemes on productivity, motivation, and performance of employees in commercial banks
Human resource management systems may serve as an antecedent that enables firms to
develop a context for ambidexterity—an ability to pursue contradictory processes …
develop a context for ambidexterity—an ability to pursue contradictory processes …