Corpus use in language learning: A meta‐analysis

A Boulton, T Cobb - Language learning, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
This study applied systematic meta‐analytic procedures to summarize findings from
experimental and quasi‐experimental investigations into the effectiveness of using the tools …

How big is “big”? Interpreting effect sizes in L2 research

L Plonsky, FL Oswald - Language learning, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The calculation and use of effect sizes—such as d for mean differences and r for correlations—
has increased dramatically in second language (L2) research in the last decade …

[CARTE][B] Intelligibility, oral communication, and the teaching of pronunciation

JM Levis - 2018 -
A proper understanding of intelligibility is at the heart of effective pronunciation teaching,
and with it, successful teaching of speaking and listening. Far from being an optional'add-it …

Pronunciation fundamentals

TM Derwing, MJ Munro - 2015 -
The examples presented above are stark illustrations of the importance of speech
intelligibility, the most fundamental characteristic of successful oral communication. When …

Effects of second language pronunciation teaching revisited: A proposed measurement framework and meta‐analysis

K Saito, L Plonsky - Language Learning, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
We propose a new framework for conceptualizing measures of instructed second language
(L2) pronunciation performance according to three sets of parameters:(a) the constructs …

Teaching pronunciation: The state of the art 2021

MC Pennington - Relc Journal, 2021 -
It has been a long time since Jack Richards and I (Pennington and Richards, 1986) noted
that pronunciation, once a central concern of language teaching, had been sidelined in …

The effectiveness of L2 pronunciation instruction: A narrative review

RI Thomson, TM Derwing - Applied linguistics, 2015 -
Research on the efficacy of second language (L2) pronunciation instruction has produced
mixed results, despite reports of significant improvement in many studies. Possible …

English pronunciation teaching and research

MC Pennington, P Rogerson-Revell - Londres: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019 - Springer
This book is the product of a collaboration between two pronunciation specialists, one
educated and based in the United Kingdom (Rogerson-Revell) and one in the United States …

[CARTE][B] Introduction to instructed second language acquisition

S Loewen - 2020 -
Now in its second edition, Introduction to Instructed Second Language Acquisition continues
to present a cohesive view of the different theoretical and pedagogical perspectives that …

[CARTE][B] Second language acquisition: An introductory course

SM Gass, J Behney, L Plonsky - 2020 -
Now in a fifth edition, this bestselling introductory textbook remains the cornerstone volume
for the study of second language acquisition (SLA). Its chapters have been fully updated …