Global spatially explicit yield gap time trends reveal regions at risk of future crop yield stagnation
Yield gaps, here defined as the difference between actual and attainable yields, provide a
framework for assessing opportunities to increase agricultural productivity. Previous global …
framework for assessing opportunities to increase agricultural productivity. Previous global …
Inoculation with Azospirillum lipoferum or Azotobacter chroococcum Reinforces Maize Growth by Improving Physiological Activities Under Saline Conditions
AAH Abdel Latef, MF Abu Alhmad… - Journal of Plant Growth …, 2020 - Springer
A pot study was performed to examine the effect of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria
(PGPR) including Azospirillum lipoferum or Azotobacter chroococcum on growth criteria …
(PGPR) including Azospirillum lipoferum or Azotobacter chroococcum on growth criteria …
Biofortification in cereals: progress and prospects
CN Neeraja, VR Babu, S Ram, F Hossain… - Current Science, 2017 - JSTOR
Food security of the country has been improved due to green revolution and enhancement
of cereal production. However, recent surveys showed 35.8% of children suffer from …
of cereal production. However, recent surveys showed 35.8% of children suffer from …
[HTML][HTML] OMICS in fodder crops: applications, challenges, and prospects
Biomass yield and quality are the primary targets in forage crop improvement programs
worldwide. Low-quality fodder reduces the quality of dairy products and affects cattle's …
worldwide. Low-quality fodder reduces the quality of dairy products and affects cattle's …
Development of Biofortified Maize Hybrids through Marker-Assisted Stacking of β-Carotene Hydroxylase, Lycopene-ε-Cyclase and Opaque2 Genes
Traditional yellow maize though contains high kernel carotenoids, the concentration of
provitamin A (proA) is quite low (< 2 μg/g), compared to recommended level (15 μg/g). It also …
provitamin A (proA) is quite low (< 2 μg/g), compared to recommended level (15 μg/g). It also …
Marker-assisted introgression of opaque2 allele for rapid conversion of elite hybrids into quality protein maize
F Hossain, V Muthusamy, N Pandey… - Journal of genetics, 2018 - Springer
Maize is a valuable source of food and feed worldwide. Maize endosperm protein is,
however nutritionally poor due to the reduced levels of two essential amino acids, lysine and …
however nutritionally poor due to the reduced levels of two essential amino acids, lysine and …
Double zero tillage and foliar phosphorus fertilization coupled with microbial inoculants enhance maize productivity and quality in a maize–wheat rotation
Maize is an important industrial crop where yield and quality enhancement both assume
greater importance. Clean production technologies like conservation agriculture and …
greater importance. Clean production technologies like conservation agriculture and …
[HTML][HTML] “More crop per drop”: Exploring India's cereal water use since 2005
India has the highest national freshwater demand globally and 91% of India's freshwater is
used in the agriculture sector. Cereals account for over 50% of the dietary water footprint in …
used in the agriculture sector. Cereals account for over 50% of the dietary water footprint in …
Marker-assisted pyramiding of opaque2 and novel opaque16 genes for further enrichment of lysine and tryptophan in sub-tropical maize
The improvement of protein quality in maize so far has been based on recessive opaque2
(o2) mutant that along with endosperm-modifiers led to development of quality protein maize …
(o2) mutant that along with endosperm-modifiers led to development of quality protein maize …
[HTML][HTML] Kinetic, isotherm and mechanism in paraquat removal by adsorption process using corn cob biochar produced from different pyrolysis conditions
CT Nguyen, D Tungtakanpoung… - Case Studies in …, 2022 - Elsevier
This work studied the isotherm, kinetic and mechanism of Paraquat adsorption in aqueous
solution by using corn cob biochar produced from different pyrolysis temperatures and times …
solution by using corn cob biochar produced from different pyrolysis temperatures and times …