[HTML][HTML] Can bats serve as reservoirs for arboviruses?
Bats are known to harbor and transmit many emerging and re-emerging viruses, many of
which are extremely pathogenic in humans but do not cause overt pathology in their bat …
which are extremely pathogenic in humans but do not cause overt pathology in their bat …
[HTML][HTML] Revising the paradigm: Are bats really pathogen reservoirs or do they possess an efficient immune system?
While bats are often referred to as reservoirs of viral pathogens, a meta-analysis of the
literature reveals many cases in which there is not enough evidence to claim so. In many …
literature reveals many cases in which there is not enough evidence to claim so. In many …
[HTML][HTML] Bat Flies of the Family Streblidae (Diptera: Hippoboscoidea) Host Relatives of Medically and Agriculturally Important “Bat-Associated” Viruses
Bat flies (Hippoboscoidea: Nycteribiidae and Streblidae) are obligate hematophagous
ectoparasites of bats. We collected streblid bat flies from the New World (México) and the …
ectoparasites of bats. We collected streblid bat flies from the New World (México) and the …
[HTML][HTML] Viruses and bats
PCY Woo, SKP Lau - Viruses, 2019 - mdpi.com
Bats are a unique but diverse group of mammals in the order Chiroptera (meaning “hand-
wings” in Greek), which is the second largest order of mammals in terms of species number …
wings” in Greek), which is the second largest order of mammals in terms of species number …
[HTML][HTML] Histopathologic and immunohistochemical evaluation of induced lesions, tissue tropism and host responses following experimental infection of Egyptian …
Ecological and experimental infection studies have identified Egyptian rousette bats (ERBs;
Rousettus aegyptiacus: family Pteropodidae) as a reservoir host for the zoonotic rubula-like …
Rousettus aegyptiacus: family Pteropodidae) as a reservoir host for the zoonotic rubula-like …
Каталог вирусов рукокрылых (2020)
МЮ Щелканов, МН Дунаева, ТВ Москвина… - Юг России: экология …, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
Цель. Цель настоящей работы заключается в анализе представленности вирусов
рукокрылых (Chiroptera) в различных таксонах царства Virae. Обсуждение. На …
рукокрылых (Chiroptera) в различных таксонах царства Virae. Обсуждение. На …
[HTML][HTML] Identification and molecular characterization of highly divergent RNA viruses in cattle, Uganda.
The risk for the emergence of novel viral zoonotic diseases in animals and humans in
Uganda is high given its geographical location with high biodiversity. We aimed to identify …
Uganda is high given its geographical location with high biodiversity. We aimed to identify …
Characterization of a novel orbivirus from cattle reveals active circulation of a previously unknown and pathogenic orbivirus in ruminants in Kenya
Arboviruses are among emerging pathogens of public and veterinary health significance.
However, in most of sub-Saharan Africa, their role in the aetiologies of diseases in farm …
However, in most of sub-Saharan Africa, their role in the aetiologies of diseases in farm …
[HTML][HTML] Inhibition of orbivirus replication by aurintricarboxylic acid
C Alonso, S Utrilla-Trigo, E Calvo-Pinilla… - International Journal of …, 2020 - mdpi.com
Bluetongue virus (BTV) and African horse sickness virus (AHSV) are vector-borne viruses
belonging to the Orbivirus genus, which are transmitted between hosts primarily by biting …
belonging to the Orbivirus genus, which are transmitted between hosts primarily by biting …
Genetic Characterization of DH13M98, Umatilla Virus, Isolated from Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles in Yunnan Province, China
Z Yang, N Li, Y He, J Meng, J Wang - Vector-Borne and Zoonotic …, 2023 - liebertpub.com
Background: In August 2013, a virus strain (DH13M98) was isolated from Culex
tritaeniorhynchus Giles collected in Mangshi, the southwestern border area of Yunnan …
tritaeniorhynchus Giles collected in Mangshi, the southwestern border area of Yunnan …