Linking slab break-off, Hellenic trench retreat, and uplift of the Central and Eastern Anatolian plateaus

TF Schildgen, C Yıldırım, D Cosentino… - Earth-Science …, 2014 - Elsevier
Abstract The Central and Eastern Anatolian plateaus are integral parts of the world's third
largest orogenic plateau. In the past decade, geophysical surveys have provided insights …

The Miocene-to-present kinematic evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East and its implications for dynamics

X Le Pichon, C Kreemer - Annual Review of Earth and Planetary …, 2010 -
The present kinematics in the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East is now well
constrained by GPS measurements and dominated by a circular counterclockwise motion …

Segmented African lithosphere beneath the Anatolian region inferred from teleseismic P-wave tomography

C Berk Biryol, SL Beck, G Zandt… - Geophysical Journal …, 2011 -
Lithospheric deformation throughout Anatolia, a part of the Alpine–Himalayan orogenic belt,
is controlled mainly by collision-related tectonic escape of the Anatolian Plate and …

The making of the NEAM tsunami hazard model 2018 (NEAMTHM18)

R Basili, B Brizuela, A Herrero, S Iqbal… - Frontiers in Earth …, 2021 -
The NEAM Tsunami Hazard Model 2018 (NEAMTHM18) is a probabilistic hazard model for
tsunamis generated by earthquakes. It covers the coastlines of the North-eastern Atlantic …

Geochemical and temporal evolution of Cenozoic magmatism in western Turkey: mantle response to collision, slab break-off, and lithospheric tearing in an orogenic …

Y Dilek, Ş Altunkaynak - 2009 -
Post-collisional magmatism in western Anatolia began in the Eocene, and has occurred in
discrete pulses throughout the Cenozoic as it propagated from north to south, producing …

Seismic structure, crustal architecture and tectonic evolution of the Anatolian–African Plate Boundary and the Cenozoic Orogenic Belts in the Eastern Mediterranean …

Y Dilek, E Sandvol - 2009 -
Abstract The modern Anatolian–African plate boundary is represented by a north-dip**
subduction zone that has been part of a broad domain of regional convergence between …

Seismotectonic database of Turkey

TY Duman, T Çan, Ö Emre, FT Kadirioğlu… - Bulletin of Earthquake …, 2018 - Springer
Turkey is located in one of the most seismically active regions in the world. Characterizing
seismic source zones in this region requires evaluation and integration of geological …

Seismic tomographic imaging of the Eastern Mediterranean mantle: Implications for terminal‐stage subduction, the uplift of Anatolia, and the development of the North …

R Kounoudis, ID Bastow, CS Ogden… - Geochemistry …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Eastern Mediterranean captures the east‐west transition from active
subduction of Earth's oldest oceanic lithosphere to continental collision, making it an ideal …

Subduction and vertical coastal motions in the eastern Mediterranean

A Howell, J Jackson, A Copley… - Geophysical Journal …, 2017 -
Convergence in the eastern Mediterranean of oceanic Nubia with Anatolia and the Aegean
is complex and poorly understood. Large volumes of sediment obscure the shallow structure …

Tsunami risk management for crustal earthquakes and non-seismic sources in Italy

J Selva, A Amato, A Armigliato, R Basili… - La Rivista del Nuovo …, 2021 - Springer
Destructive tsunamis are most often generated by large earthquakes occurring at subduction
interfaces, but also other “atypical” sources—defined as crustal earthquakes and non …