An Asynchronous Adaptive Priority Round‐Robin Arbiter Based on Four‐Phase Dual‐rail Protocol

Y Yang, R Wu, L Zhang, D Zhou - Chinese Journal of …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
An asynchronous Adaptive priority roundrobin arbiter (APRA) based on four‐phasedual‐rail
protocol is proposed. Combining the advantages of synchronous andasynchronous circuits …

Design and verification of a round-robin arbiter

A Toe - 2018 -
As the number of bus masters increases in chip, the performance of a system largely
depends on the arbitration scheme. The throughput of the system is affected by the arbiter …

A high-speed and low-power synchronous and asynchronous packaging circuit based on standard gates under four-phase one-hot encoding

L Zhang, R Wu, Y Yang - 2013 14th International Conference …, 2013 -
Compared with common bus system, GALS (Global Asynchronous Locally Synchronous)
bus system can combine the respective advantages of synchronous circuits and …

Generating fast logic circuits for m-select n-port round robin arbitration

HF Ugurdag, F Temizkan… - 2013 IFIP/IEEE 21st …, 2013 -
This paper generalizes the problem of Round Robin Arbitration (RRA) from 1-select to m-
select (mRRA) and offers new circuit architectures for it. RRAs are found in networking …

[PDF][PDF] 一种基于权重与轮询的双层仲裁算法

吴睿振, 杨银堂, 张丽, 陆锋雷 - 电子与信息学报, 2013 -
一种基于权重与轮询的双层仲裁算法A Two-level Arbitration Algorithm Based on Weight and
Round-robin Page 1 第35 卷第12 期 电子与信息学报 Vol.35No.12 2013年12月 Journal of …

Fast one-and two-pick fixed-priority selection and muxing circuits

M Tosun, MA Özkan, AE Güzel… - 2016 IEEE East-West …, 2016 -
Priority encoders and arbiters usually drive multiplexers (muxes). Latency optimization of
priority encoders and multiplexer trees has usually been handled separately in the literature …


吴睿振, 杨银堂, 张丽, 周端 - 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2014 -
基于总线的SoC 存在多模块对总线的抢占问题, 仲裁机制可解决抢占引起的冲突和竞争,
提高系统性能, 为此提出一种自调整附加权动态仲裁算法. 首先在每轮仲裁开始时预先判断工作 …

[PDF][PDF] High Performance Two-Select Arbiter

MS Maher Abdelrasoul, V Goulart -
Arbitration circuit plays an important role in defining the system performance and latency in
systems having shared resources. In this paper, we focused on the problem of granting two …

A high-speed and low-power synchronous and asynchronous packaging circuit based on standard gates under four-phase dual-rail protocol

R Wu, Y Yang, L Zhang - 2013 14th International Conference …, 2013 -
Asynchronous circuits have the advantages of high speed and low power consumption, but
they can not work together with the synchronous module, thus synchronous and …

[CITARE][C] Fast circuit topologies for finding the maximum of n k-bit numbers

B Yüce - 2013 - Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü