Advance of apple and pear tree full bloom dates in response to climate change in the southwestern Cape, South Africa: 1973–2009
S Grab, A Craparo - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2011 - Elsevier
Studies from throughout the world have demonstrated that tree phenophases are becoming
earlier in spring and are closely associated with rising temperatures. Despite many such …
earlier in spring and are closely associated with rising temperatures. Despite many such …
Urbanisation induces early flowering: evidence from Platanus acerifolia and Prunus cerasus
The effect of towns on plant phenology, ie advancement of spring development compared
with a rural environment, via the urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon, has been shown for …
with a rural environment, via the urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon, has been shown for …
Consequences of warming up a hotspot: species range shifts within a centre of bee diversity
Aim Bees are the most important pollinators of flowering plants and essential ecological
keystone species contributing to the integrity of most terrestrial ecosystems. Here, we …
keystone species contributing to the integrity of most terrestrial ecosystems. Here, we …
Genetic diversity of the largest African mole-rat genus, Bathyergus. One, two or four species?
Recent advances in sequencing technology and phylogenetic methods allow us to solve
puzzling taxonomic questions using detailed analyses of genetic diversity of populations …
puzzling taxonomic questions using detailed analyses of genetic diversity of populations …
Using photographs and deep neural networks to understand flowering phenology and diversity in mountain meadows
Mountain meadows are an essential part of the alpine–subalpine ecosystem; they provide
ecosystem services like pollination and are home to diverse plant communities. Changes in …
ecosystem services like pollination and are home to diverse plant communities. Changes in …
Herbarium records demonstrate changes in flowering phenology associated with climate change over the past century within the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa
Climate change is affecting species composition and diversity across the globe.
Phenological changes provide a sensitive indicator of biological responses to changes in …
Phenological changes provide a sensitive indicator of biological responses to changes in …
High ploidy diversity and distinct patterns of cytotype distribution in a widespread species of Oxalis in the Greater Cape Floristic Region
Abstract Background and Aims Genome duplication is widely acknowledged as a major
force in the evolution of angiosperms, although the incidence of polyploidy in different floras …
force in the evolution of angiosperms, although the incidence of polyploidy in different floras …
Response of flowering and seed production of sandalwood (Santalum album linn., Santalaceae) to climate changes
Response of flowering and seed production to climatic changes was observed on
sandalwood ex situ genetic conservation in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 2005 to 2010 …
sandalwood ex situ genetic conservation in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 2005 to 2010 …
The phylogenetic significance of leaf anatomical traits of southern African Oxalis
Abstract Background The southern African Oxalis radiation is extremely morphologically
variable. Despite recent progress in the phylogenetics of the genus, there are few …
variable. Despite recent progress in the phylogenetics of the genus, there are few …
Flowering and seed production of sandalwood (Santalum album; Santalaceae) along environmental gradients in Gunung Sewu Geopark, Indonesia
Ratnaningrum YWN, Faridah E. Indroko S, Syahbudin A. 2016. Flowering and seed
production of sandalwood (Santalum album; Santalaceae) along environmental gradients in …
production of sandalwood (Santalum album; Santalaceae) along environmental gradients in …