Redesigning crop varieties to win the race between climate change and food security
Climate change poses daunting challenges to agricultural production and food security.
Rising temperatures, shifting weather patterns, and more frequent extreme events have …
Rising temperatures, shifting weather patterns, and more frequent extreme events have …
Phytophthora infestans: An Overview of Methods and Attempts to Combat Late Blight
Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary is one of the main pathogens in the agricultural
sector. The most affected are the Solanaceae species, with the potato (Solanum tuberosum) …
sector. The most affected are the Solanaceae species, with the potato (Solanum tuberosum) …
Genome-edited crops for improved food security of smallholder farmers
KV Pixley, JB Falck-Zepeda, RL Paarlberg… - Nature Genetics, 2022 - nature.com
Widespread enthusiasm about potential contributions of genome-edited crops to address
climate change, food security, nutrition and health, environmental sustainability and …
climate change, food security, nutrition and health, environmental sustainability and …
Diversity analysis of 80,000 wheat accessions reveals consequences and opportunities of selection footprints
C Sansaloni, J Franco, B Santos… - Nature …, 2020 - nature.com
Undomesticated wild species, crop wild relatives, and landraces represent sources of
variation for wheat improvement to address challenges from climate change and the …
variation for wheat improvement to address challenges from climate change and the …
Global challenges facing plant pathology: multidisciplinary approaches to meet the food security and environmental challenges in the mid-twenty-first century
The discipline of plant pathology has an expanding remit requiring a multi-faceted,
interdisciplinary approach to capture the complexity of interactions for any given disease …
interdisciplinary approach to capture the complexity of interactions for any given disease …
Democratizing ownership and participation in the 4th Industrial Revolution: challenges and opportunities in cellular agriculture
The emergence of the “4th Industrial Revolution,” ie the convergence of artificial intelligence,
the Internet of Things, advanced materials, and bioengineering technologies, could …
the Internet of Things, advanced materials, and bioengineering technologies, could …
[BOK][B] Socio-technical innovation bundles for agri-food systems transformation
This open access book is the result of an expert panel convened by the Cornell Atkinson
Center for Sustainability and Nature Sustainability. The panel tackled the seventeen UN …
Center for Sustainability and Nature Sustainability. The panel tackled the seventeen UN …
Industry 4.0 disruption and its neologisms in major industrial sectors: A state of the art
Very well into the dawn of the fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0), humankind can
hardly distinguish between what is artificial and what is natural (eg, man‐made virus and …
hardly distinguish between what is artificial and what is natural (eg, man‐made virus and …
Molecular mechanisms underlying multi-level defense responses of horticultural crops to fungal pathogens
X Xu, Y Chen, B Li, Z Zhang, G Qin, T Chen… - Horticulture …, 2022 - academic.oup.com
The horticultural industry helps to enrich and improve the human diet while contributing to
growth of the agricultural economy. However, fungal diseases of horticultural crops …
growth of the agricultural economy. However, fungal diseases of horticultural crops …
Genome editing for sustainable agriculture in Africa
Sustainable intensification of agriculture in Africa is essential for accomplishing food and
nutritional security and addressing the rising concerns of climate change. There is an urgent …
nutritional security and addressing the rising concerns of climate change. There is an urgent …