Global-scale drought risk assessment for agricultural systems
Droughts continue to affect ecosystems, communities and entire economies. Agriculture
bears much of the impact, and in many countries it is the most heavily affected sector. Over …
bears much of the impact, and in many countries it is the most heavily affected sector. Over …
A cultural framework for Indigenous, Local, and Science knowledge systems in ecology and natural resource management
J Varghese, SS Crawford - Ecological Monographs, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The relationship between Indigenous, Local, and Science knowledge systems has
been the subject of much debate over the past few decades, especially in ecology and …
been the subject of much debate over the past few decades, especially in ecology and …
The effects of carbon-related news on carbon emissions and carbon transfer from a global perspective: Evidence from an extended STIRPAT model
W Zhou, X Cao, X Dong, X Zhen - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023 - Elsevier
Climate change poses an enormous challenge to countries across the world. News is a
crucial channel to draw society's attention to this issue and strengthen climate governance …
crucial channel to draw society's attention to this issue and strengthen climate governance …
[HTML][HTML] Public perception and preferences for coastal risk management: Evidence from a convergent parallel mixed-methods study
Coastal ecosystems are exposed to unprecedented levels of human pressure and to the
cumulative effects of climate change. Altogether, these threats have been exposing coastal …
cumulative effects of climate change. Altogether, these threats have been exposing coastal …
[HTML][HTML] The European media portrayal of climate change: Implications for the social mobilization towards climate action
Beyond other social actors, such as policymakers and scholars, common citizens are also
expected to actively engage with climate change, by adopting sustainable actions and …
expected to actively engage with climate change, by adopting sustainable actions and …
The obstacles to China's rural toilet revolution discussed on social media: A content analysis of Weibo posts and Zhihu answers data
Y Zhang, F Li, Y Lei, B Chen, T ** public perceptions
and knowledge of climate change. Public understanding of climate change and the …
and knowledge of climate change. Public understanding of climate change and the …
The rural fires of 2017 and their influences on water quality: An assessment of causes and effects
As water is facing increasing pressures from population and economic growth and climate
change, it becomes imperative to promote the protection, restoration and management of …
change, it becomes imperative to promote the protection, restoration and management of …
A glass half empty: Limited voices, limited groundwater security for California
Groundwater is a common pool resource that supports agriculture, human communities, and
the environment. Public participation in common pool natural resources management can …
the environment. Public participation in common pool natural resources management can …
[HTML][HTML] Environmental worry and wellbeing in young adult university students
Climate change presents a universal threat, communal to different sciences. Despite the
various consequences that are already well known, little attention has been paid towards the …
various consequences that are already well known, little attention has been paid towards the …