Hardware and Software Solutions for Energy‐Efficient Computing in Scientific Programming
Energy consumption is one of the major issues in today's computer science, and an
increasing number of scientific communities are interested in evaluating the tradeoff …
increasing number of scientific communities are interested in evaluating the tradeoff …
Investigating power cap** toward energy‐efficient scientific applications
The emergence of power efficiency as a primary constraint in processor and system design
poses new challenges concerning power and energy awareness for numerical libraries and …
poses new challenges concerning power and energy awareness for numerical libraries and …
Energy concerns with hpc systems and applications
R Nana, C Tadonki, P Dokládal, Y Mesri - ar** streaming applications on commodity multi-CPU and GPU on-chip processors
In this paper, we consider the problem of efficiently executing streaming applications on
commodity processors composed of several cores and an on-chip GPU. Streaming …
commodity processors composed of several cores and an on-chip GPU. Streaming …
Power-aware computing: Measurement, control, and performance analysis for Intel Xeon Phi
The emergence of power efficiency as a primary constraint in processor and system designs
poses new challenges concerning power and energy awareness for numerical libraries and …
poses new challenges concerning power and energy awareness for numerical libraries and …
Extending LDMS to enable performance monitoring in multi-core applications
Identifying design patterns that limit the performance of multi-core algorithms is a
challenging task. There are many known methods by which threads synchronize their …
challenging task. There are many known methods by which threads synchronize their …
A unified hardware/software monitoring method for reconfigurable computing architectures using PAPI
In this work, a standard and unified method for monitoring hardware accelerators in
Reconfigurable Computing Architectures is proposed, based on a standard software …
Reconfigurable Computing Architectures is proposed, based on a standard software …
An experimental setup to evaluate RAPL energy counters for heterogeneous memory
Power consumption of the main memory in modern heterogeneous high-performance
computing (HPC) constitutes a significant part of the total power consumption of a node. This …
computing (HPC) constitutes a significant part of the total power consumption of a node. This …