Cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks: A survey
Spectrum sensing is a key function of cognitive radio to prevent the harmful interference with
licensed users and identify the available spectrum for improving the spectrum's utilization …
licensed users and identify the available spectrum for improving the spectrum's utilization …
What is a spectrum hole and what does it take to recognize one?
ldquoSpectrum holesrdquo represent the potential opportunities for noninterfering (safe) use
of spectrum and can be considered as multidimensional regions within frequency, time, and …
of spectrum and can be considered as multidimensional regions within frequency, time, and …
Evolutionary cooperative spectrum sensing game: how to collaborate?
Cooperative spectrum sensing has been shown to be able to greatly improve the sensing
performance in cognitive radio networks. However, if cognitive users belong to different …
performance in cognitive radio networks. However, if cognitive users belong to different …
Blind eigenvalue-based spectrum sensing for cognitive radio networks
N Pillay, HJ Xu - IET communications, 2012 - IET
Spectrum sensing for cognitive radio allows a secondary user to detect spectrum 'holes' and
to opportunistically exploit this space for unlicensed communication. Blind spectrum sensing …
to opportunistically exploit this space for unlicensed communication. Blind spectrum sensing …
Distributed consensus-based weight design for cooperative spectrum sensing
We study the distributed spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks. Existing distributed
consensus-based fusion algorithms only ensure equal gain combining of local …
consensus-based fusion algorithms only ensure equal gain combining of local …
On the selection of the best detection performance sensors for cognitive radio networks
In cooperative spectrum sensing, information from several cognitive radios (CRs) is used for
detecting the primary user. To reduce sensing overhead and total energy consumption, it is …
detecting the primary user. To reduce sensing overhead and total energy consumption, it is …
Sigma set: A small second order statistical region descriptor
Given an image region of pixels, second order statistics can be used to construct a
descriptor for object representation. One example is the covariance matrix descriptor, which …
descriptor for object representation. One example is the covariance matrix descriptor, which …
Reinforcement learning-based cooperative sensing in cognitive radio ad hoc networks
In cognitive radio networks, spectrum sensing is a fundamental function for detecting the
presence of primary users in licensed frequency bands. Due to multipath fading and …
presence of primary users in licensed frequency bands. Due to multipath fading and …
Collaborative spectrum sensing optimisation algorithms for cognitive radio networks
The main challenge for a cognitive radio is to detect the existence of primary users reliably in
order to minimise the interference to licensed communications. Hence, spectrum sensing is …
order to minimise the interference to licensed communications. Hence, spectrum sensing is …
Iris individuality: A partial iris model
Biometrics-based personal authentication systems are becoming popular with increased
demand on security. A biometrics is expected to have significant amount of discriminatory …
demand on security. A biometrics is expected to have significant amount of discriminatory …