Cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks: A survey

IF Akyildiz, BF Lo, R Balakrishnan - Physical communication, 2011 - Elsevier
Spectrum sensing is a key function of cognitive radio to prevent the harmful interference with
licensed users and identify the available spectrum for improving the spectrum's utilization …

What is a spectrum hole and what does it take to recognize one?

R Tandra, SM Mishra, A Sahai - Proceedings of the IEEE, 2009 -
ldquoSpectrum holesrdquo represent the potential opportunities for noninterfering (safe) use
of spectrum and can be considered as multidimensional regions within frequency, time, and …

Evolutionary cooperative spectrum sensing game: how to collaborate?

B Wang, KJR Liu, TC Clancy - IEEE transactions on …, 2010 -
Cooperative spectrum sensing has been shown to be able to greatly improve the sensing
performance in cognitive radio networks. However, if cognitive users belong to different …

Blind eigenvalue-based spectrum sensing for cognitive radio networks

N Pillay, HJ Xu - IET communications, 2012 - IET
Spectrum sensing for cognitive radio allows a secondary user to detect spectrum 'holes' and
to opportunistically exploit this space for unlicensed communication. Blind spectrum sensing …

Distributed consensus-based weight design for cooperative spectrum sensing

W Zhang, Y Guo, H Liu, Y Chen… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2014 -
We study the distributed spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks. Existing distributed
consensus-based fusion algorithms only ensure equal gain combining of local …

On the selection of the best detection performance sensors for cognitive radio networks

Z Khan, J Lehtomaki, K Umebayashi… - IEEE Signal …, 2010 -
In cooperative spectrum sensing, information from several cognitive radios (CRs) is used for
detecting the primary user. To reduce sensing overhead and total energy consumption, it is …

Sigma set: A small second order statistical region descriptor

X Hong, H Chang, S Shan, X Chen… - 2009 IEEE Conference …, 2009 -
Given an image region of pixels, second order statistics can be used to construct a
descriptor for object representation. One example is the covariance matrix descriptor, which …

Reinforcement learning-based cooperative sensing in cognitive radio ad hoc networks

BF Lo, IF Akyildiz - … Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile …, 2010 -
In cognitive radio networks, spectrum sensing is a fundamental function for detecting the
presence of primary users in licensed frequency bands. Due to multipath fading and …

Collaborative spectrum sensing optimisation algorithms for cognitive radio networks

K Arshad, MA Imran, K Moessner - International Journal of …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
The main challenge for a cognitive radio is to detect the existence of primary users reliably in
order to minimise the interference to licensed communications. Hence, spectrum sensing is …

Iris individuality: A partial iris model

RM Bolle, S Pankanti, JH Connell… - Proceedings of the 17th …, 2004 -
Biometrics-based personal authentication systems are becoming popular with increased
demand on security. A biometrics is expected to have significant amount of discriminatory …