[HTML][HTML] Turning over a new leaf: Post‐Covid infrastructure development planning and financing strategies in the organizational environment of Bandung City
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the organizational environment.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the government forced to reduce investment in infrastructure …
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the government forced to reduce investment in infrastructure …
Finance arrangements and governance modes toward sustainable infrastructure: the case of urban railway projects in Manila, the Philippines
In recent years, the concept of sustainable infrastructure has gained popularity and is widely
utilized and promoted by the international development community. However …
utilized and promoted by the international development community. However …
[PDF][PDF] Toward Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Develo** Southeast Asian Countries: Focusing on finance and governance perspectives
K Endo - 2024 - pure.eur.nl
The concept of sustainable infrastructure has recently become popular in the field of
infrastructure development. There have been a growing number of studies on sustainable …
infrastructure development. There have been a growing number of studies on sustainable …
Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change: Bibliometric Analyses and Emerging Themes
G Danese - Sustainable and Resilient Global Practices: Advances …, 2024 - emerald.com
Although adaptation to climate change is a well-researched topic at the individual level and
in highly vulnerable industries, its integration into business strategies is poorly researched …
in highly vulnerable industries, its integration into business strategies is poorly researched …