Factors influencing the scientific performance of Momentum grant holders: an evaluation of the first 117 research groups
B Győrffy, AM Nagy, P Herman, Á Török - Scientometrics, 2018 - Springer
The Momentum program launched in 2009 provides funding of up to 1 million Euro to
establish new, independent research groups at Hungarian academic institutions. Here, our …
establish new, independent research groups at Hungarian academic institutions. Here, our …
Indicator system for managing science, technology and innovation in universities
The formulation of standardized measurement indicators of science, technology and
innovation at the international, regional and institutional level remains a continuing need …
innovation at the international, regional and institutional level remains a continuing need …
The academic inbreeding controversy: Analysis and evidence from Brazil
This paper presents an embracing quantitative inbreeding analyses in the Brazilian higher
education system (HES). Several studies were conducted about academic inbreeding in …
education system (HES). Several studies were conducted about academic inbreeding in …
Scientific collaboration in Brazilian researches: a comparative study in the information science, mathematics and dentistry fields
This study attempts to describe, in a comparative way, scientific collaboration and co-
authoring activities and understanding of Brazilian researchers of productivity level 1 at the …
authoring activities and understanding of Brazilian researchers of productivity level 1 at the …
[HTML][HTML] Profile and scientific output of researchers recipients of CNPq productivity grant in the field of medicine
DR Martelli, MCL Oliveira, SV Pinheiro… - Revista da Associação …, 2019 - SciELO Brasil
SUMMARY BACKGROUND. This study aimed to evaluate the scientific production of
researchers in the field of Medicine who receive a productivity grant from the CNPq …
researchers in the field of Medicine who receive a productivity grant from the CNPq …
Dispersion measures for h-index: a study of the Brazilian researchers in the field of mathematics
Although the h-index is considered a significant indicator to evaluate the researchers'
performance, as it simultaneously measures aspects related to their scientific productivity …
performance, as it simultaneously measures aspects related to their scientific productivity …
The determinants and impact of research grants: The case of Brazilian productivity scholarships
Abstract Research Productivity Grant (PQ) is a governmental research award maintained by
CPNq, the Brazilian Council of Research, and designed as a funding program to support …
CPNq, the Brazilian Council of Research, and designed as a funding program to support …
Perfil de produção científica dos docentes em uma instituição federal de ensino superior no Brasil
C Mafra - Revista Brasileira de Pós-Graduação, 2020 - rbpg.capes.gov.br
Prática não usual nas universidades em todo o mundo, conhecer o perfil de sua produção
acadêmica e científica pode ser útil para o estabelecimento de estratégias de …
acadêmica e científica pode ser útil para o estabelecimento de estratégias de …
[HTML][HTML] Factors influencing professors' performance in graduate programs in the Engineering III area
The purpose of this paper is to present the factors that influence the professors' performance
of postgraduate programs classified with notes 6 and 7 by Capes (Coordination for the …
of postgraduate programs classified with notes 6 and 7 by Capes (Coordination for the …
Assessing the research profile of highly productive authors of Pakistan
Purpose Assessing the research performance of researchers offers inducement toward
excellence in research. This study aims to analyze the research productivity of the most …
excellence in research. This study aims to analyze the research productivity of the most …