Evaluating urban environment quality (UEQ) for Class-I Indian city: an integrated RS-GIS based exploratory spatial analysis
Urban environmental quality consisting of ecological, physical, and socio-economic
components, often deteriorates due to rapid urbanization. Therefore, using Remote sensing …
components, often deteriorates due to rapid urbanization. Therefore, using Remote sensing …
Modelling built-up land expansion probability using the integrated fuzzy logic and coupling coordination degree model
The expansion of built-up area is the most noticeable form of urbanization-induced land
use/land cover (LULC) change. In the global cities of south, the urban sprawl is increasing …
use/land cover (LULC) change. In the global cities of south, the urban sprawl is increasing …
Urban expansion simulation based on various driving factors using a logistic regression model: Delhi as a case study
During the last three decades, Delhi has witnessed extensive and rapid urban expansion in
all directions, especially in the East South East zone. The total built-up area has risen …
all directions, especially in the East South East zone. The total built-up area has risen …
Peri-urban dynamics: assessing expansion patterns and influencing factors
Background Peri-urbanization, the expansion of large metropolitan centers into adjacent
peri-urban regions, is a growing concern due to land scarcity and escalating housing costs …
peri-urban regions, is a growing concern due to land scarcity and escalating housing costs …
Modeling of ash (Fraxinus excelsior) bark thickness in urban forests using artificial neural network (ANN) and regression models
Bark is a protective layer in trees, as well as living texture, so estimating bark thickness is
very important in future decisions in urban forestry. The purpose of this article is to compare …
very important in future decisions in urban forestry. The purpose of this article is to compare …
Analysis of peri-urban land use/land cover change and its drivers using geospatial techniques and geographically weighted regression
The rate of transformation of natural land use land cover (LULC) to the built-up areas is very
high in the peri-urban areas of Indian metropolitan cities. Delhi National Capital Region …
high in the peri-urban areas of Indian metropolitan cities. Delhi National Capital Region …
Assessment of urban sprawl using landscape metrics and Shannon's entropy model approach in town level of Barrackpore sub-divisional region, India
A city has expanded from the core to peripheral areas through the growth of urbanization
process and based on criteria, such as economic development, social, political forces as …
process and based on criteria, such as economic development, social, political forces as …
Dynamics of land use and land cover change in peri urban area of Burdwan city, India: a remote sensing and GIS based approach
Peri-urban area around a city is a dynamic zone that undergoes considerable changes over
time in terms of its functional land use. Analogous to other Indian cities, these changes are …
time in terms of its functional land use. Analogous to other Indian cities, these changes are …
The potential of using SDGSAT-1 TIS data to identify industrial heat sources in the Bei**g–Tian**–Hebei region
Y ** potential desertification-prone areas in North-Eastern Algeria using logistic regression model, GIS, and remote sensing techniques
A Mihi, R Ghazela, D Wissal - Environmental Earth Sciences, 2022 - Springer
Desertification is an environmental threat that affects many countries in the world, and it
poses specially an ecological issue to Algeria. This study aimed to assess areas sensitive to …
poses specially an ecological issue to Algeria. This study aimed to assess areas sensitive to …