[HTML][HTML] Beyond skyrmions: Review and perspectives of alternative magnetic quasiparticles

B Göbel, I Mertig, OA Tretiakov - Physics Reports, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Magnetic skyrmions have attracted enormous research interest since their discovery a
decade ago. The non-trivial real-space topology of these nano-whirls leads to fundamentally …

Statics and dynamics of skyrmions interacting with disorder and nanostructures

C Reichhardt, CJO Reichhardt, MV Milošević - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2022‏ - APS
Magnetic skyrmions are topologically stable nanoscale particlelike objects that were
discovered in 2009. Since that time, intense research interest in the field has led to the …

The 2020 skyrmionics roadmap

C Back, V Cros, H Ebert… - Journal of Physics D …, 2020‏ - iopscience.iop.org
The notion of non-trivial topological winding in condensed matter systems represents a
major area of present-day theoretical and experimental research. Magnetic materials offer a …

Skyrmion-electronics: writing, deleting, reading and processing magnetic skyrmions toward spintronic applications

X Zhang, Y Zhou, KM Song, TE Park… - Journal of Physics …, 2020‏ - iopscience.iop.org
The field of magnetic skyrmions has been actively investigated across a wide range of topics
during the last decades. In this topical review, we mainly review and discuss key results and …

Experimental observation of chiral magnetic bobbers in B20-type FeGe

F Zheng, FN Rybakov, AB Borisov, D Song… - Nature …, 2018‏ - nature.com
Chiral magnetic skyrmions, are nanoscale vortex-like spin textures that form in the presence
of an applied magnetic field in ferromagnets that support the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya …

Elliptical Bloch skyrmion chiral twins in an antiskyrmion system

J Jena, B Göbel, T Ma, V Kumar, R Saha… - Nature …, 2020‏ - nature.com
Skyrmions and antiskyrmions are distinct topological chiral spin textures that have been
observed in various material systems depending on the symmetry of the crystal structure …

[HTML][HTML] Launching a new dimension with 3D magnetic nanostructures

P Fischer, D Sanz-Hernández, R Streubel… - APL Materials, 2020‏ - pubs.aip.org
The scientific and technological exploration of three-dimensional magnetic nanostructures is
an emerging research field that opens the path to exciting novel physical phenomena …

Skyrmion–antiskyrmion pair creation and annihilation in a cubic chiral magnet

F Zheng, NS Kiselev, L Yang, VM Kuchkin… - Nature Physics, 2022‏ - nature.com
A fundamental property of particles and antiparticles (such as electrons and positrons,
respectively) is their ability to annihilate one another. A similar behaviour is predicted for …

Chiral magnetic skyrmions with arbitrary topological charge

FN Rybakov, NS Kiselev - Physical review B, 2019‏ - APS
We show that continuous and spin-lattice models of chiral ferro-and antiferromagnets
provide the existence of an infinite number of stable soliton solutions of any integer …

Control of morphology and formation of highly geometrically confined magnetic skyrmions

C **, ZA Li, A Kovács, J Caron, F Zheng… - Nature …, 2017‏ - nature.com
The ability to controllably manipulate magnetic skyrmions, small magnetic whirls with
particle-like properties, in nanostructured elements is a prerequisite for incorporating them …