On the optimal time/space tradeoff for hash tables
For nearly six decades, the central open question in the study of hash tables has been to
determine the optimal achievable tradeoff curve between time and space. State-of-the-art …
determine the optimal achievable tradeoff curve between time and space. State-of-the-art …
Tight cell-probe lower bounds for dynamic succinct dictionaries
A dictionary data structure maintains a set of at most n keys from the universe U under key
insertions and deletions, such that given a query x∈U, it returns if x is in the set. Some …
insertions and deletions, such that given a query x∈U, it returns if x is in the set. Some …
Dynamic dictionary with subconstant wasted bits per key
Dictionaries have been one of the central questions in data structures. A dictionary data
structure maintains a set of key-value pairs under insertions and deletions such that given a …
structure maintains a set of key-value pairs under insertions and deletions such that given a …
Modern hashing made simple
Modern work on hashing has led to hash tables with extraordinary guarantees. However,
these data structures are too complex to be taught in (even an advanced) data structures …
these data structures are too complex to be taught in (even an advanced) data structures …
Dynamic “succincter”
Augmented B-trees (aB-trees) are a broad class of data structures. The seminal work
“succincter” by Pǎtraşcu 1 showed that any aB-tree can be stored using only two bits of …
“succincter” by Pǎtraşcu 1 showed that any aB-tree can be stored using only two bits of …
A dynamic space-efficient filter with constant time operations
A dynamic dictionary is a data structure that maintains sets of cardinality at most $ n $ from a
given universe and supports insertions, deletions, and membership queries. A filter …
given universe and supports insertions, deletions, and membership queries. A filter …
An extendable data structure for incremental stable perfect hashing
We consider the problem of dynamically assigning n elements unique indices, known as
hashcodes, in the range [(1+ o (1)) n]. This problem is known as perfect hashing and is …
hashcodes, in the range [(1+ o (1)) n]. This problem is known as perfect hashing and is …
Optimal Static Dictionary with Worst-Case Constant Query Time
In this paper, we design a new succinct static dictionary with worst-case constant query time.
A dictionary data structure stores a set of key-value pairs with distinct keys in $[U] $ and …
A dictionary data structure stores a set of key-value pairs with distinct keys in $[U] $ and …