Challenges & opportunities in low-code testing
Low-code is a growing development approach supported by many platforms. It fills the gap
between business and IT by supporting the active involvement of non-technical domain …
between business and IT by supporting the active involvement of non-technical domain …
Omniscient debugging for executable DSLs
Omniscient debugging is a promising technique that relies on execution traces to enable
free traversal of the states reached by a model (or program) during an execution. While a …
free traversal of the states reached by a model (or program) during an execution. While a …
Behavioral interfaces for executable DSLs
Executable domain-specific languages (DSLs) enable the execution of behavioral models.
While an execution is mostly driven by the model content (eg, control structures), many use …
While an execution is mostly driven by the model content (eg, control structures), many use …
A language-parametric test coverage framework for executable domain-specific languages
Test coverage is an effective technique to measure test case quality and to enable fault
localization. However, for Executable Domain-Specific Languages (xDSLs), coverage …
localization. However, for Executable Domain-Specific Languages (xDSLs), coverage …
A framework for temporal verification support in domain-specific modelling
In Domain-Specific Modelling (DSM) the general goal is to provide Domain-Specific
Modelling Languages (DSMLs) for domain users to model systems using concepts and …
Modelling Languages (DSMLs) for domain users to model systems using concepts and …
Adapting TDL to Provide Testing Support for Executable DSLs.
Testing is one of the most prevalent and successful verification and validation (V&V)
techniques used in the field of software engineering. While a large number of testing …
techniques used in the field of software engineering. While a large number of testing …
A generated property specification language for resilient multirobot missions
The use of robots is gaining considerable traction in several domains, since they are
capable of assisting and replacing humans for everyday tasks. To harvest the full potential of …
capable of assisting and replacing humans for everyday tasks. To harvest the full potential of …
Advanced testing and debugging support for reactive executable DSLs
Abstract Executable Domain-Specific Languages (xDSLs) allow the definition and the
execution of behavioral models. Some behavioral models are reactive, meaning that during …
execution of behavioral models. Some behavioral models are reactive, meaning that during …
From coverage computation to fault localization: A generic framework for domain-specific languages
To test a system efficiently, we need to know how good are the defined test cases and to
localize detected faults in the system. Measuring test coverage can address both concerns …
localize detected faults in the system. Measuring test coverage can address both concerns …
Runtime monitoring for executable DSLs
Runtime monitoring is a fundamental technique used throughout the lifecycle of a system for
many purposes, such as debugging, testing, or live analytics. While runtime monitoring for …
many purposes, such as debugging, testing, or live analytics. While runtime monitoring for …