Advancing scholarship on anti‐racism within developmental science: Reflections on the special section and recommendations for future research
To date, theoretical and conceptual scholarship on anti‐racism has been advanced through
leading contributions from several disciplines (eg, sociology, education, psychology). Still …
leading contributions from several disciplines (eg, sociology, education, psychology). Still …
The roles of suspensions for minor infractions and school climate in predicting academic performance among adolescents.
African American adolescents are grossly overrepresented in rates of school suspensions
for minor disciplinary infractions; however, the consequences associated with this …
for minor disciplinary infractions; however, the consequences associated with this …
Framing resilience linked to parental ethnic‐racial socialization as hidden: A hidden resilience conceptual framework
Parental ethnic‐racial socialization is a source of adolescents' resilience against ethnic‐
racial discrimination. Recent meta‐analyses have documented the promotive aspects of …
racial discrimination. Recent meta‐analyses have documented the promotive aspects of …
Online racism and mental health among Black American adolescents in 2020
Objective To determine whether rates of online racial discrimination changed over the
course of 2020 and their longitudinal effects on Black youths' mental health. Method This …
course of 2020 and their longitudinal effects on Black youths' mental health. Method This …
School cultural socialization and academic performance: Examining ethnic‐racial identity development as a mediator among African American adolescents
Historic racial disparities in the United States have created an urgent need for evidence‐
based strategies promoting African American students' academic performance via school …
based strategies promoting African American students' academic performance via school …
Which comes first, puberty or identity? The longitudinal interrelations between pubertal timing and sexual minority self-identification among early adolescents.
Sexual minority adolescents experience puberty earlier than their heterosexual peers. Early
puberty is an indicator of premature aging and can be partly driven by chronic stress linked …
puberty is an indicator of premature aging and can be partly driven by chronic stress linked …
Trajectories of discrimination across the college years: Associations with academic, psychological, and physical adjustment outcomes
Despite growing evidence that racial-ethnic discrimination has a critical impact on college
students of color, there is a shortage of longitudinal studies investigating such discrimination …
students of color, there is a shortage of longitudinal studies investigating such discrimination …
Adolescents' views of defunding the police, abolishing the police, and “the talk”
Introduction Definitions regarding defunding or abolishing the police are highly contested in
the United States. Moreover, adolescents' definitions and how socialization processes …
the United States. Moreover, adolescents' definitions and how socialization processes …
Inter‐relations between ethnic‐racial discrimination and ethnic‐racial identity among early adolescents
The authors examined whether the longitudinal inter‐relations between ethnic‐racial
discrimination and ethnic‐racial identity vary according to the perpetrator of discrimination …
discrimination and ethnic‐racial identity vary according to the perpetrator of discrimination …
Fostering school equity: A racial socialization approach to creating an equitable school climate and reducing disciplinary infractions.
Despite numerous efforts to attenuate the Black–White discipline gap in US schools, Black
students are still suspended for minor infractions at a disproportionately higher rate than …
students are still suspended for minor infractions at a disproportionately higher rate than …