Review on recent developments in 2D ferroelectrics: Theories and applications
Although only a few 2D materials have been predicted to possess ferroelectricity, 2D
ferroelectrics are expected to play a dominant role in the upcoming nano era as important …
ferroelectrics are expected to play a dominant role in the upcoming nano era as important …
Concepts of the half-valley-metal and quantum anomalous valley Hall effect
Valley, the energy extrema in the electronic band structure at momentum space, is regarded
as a new degree of freedom of electrons, in addition to charge and spin. The studies focused …
as a new degree of freedom of electrons, in addition to charge and spin. The studies focused …
2D polarized materials: ferromagnetic, ferrovalley, ferroelectric materials, and related heterostructures
The emergence of 2D polarized materials, including ferromagnetic, ferrovalley, and
ferroelectric materials, has demonstrated unique quantum behaviors at atomic scales. These …
ferroelectric materials, has demonstrated unique quantum behaviors at atomic scales. These …
Ferroelectrovalley in two-dimensional multiferroic lattices
Engineering the valley index is essential and highly sought for valley physics, but currently, it
is exclusively based on the paradigm of the challenging ferrovalley with spin-orientation …
is exclusively based on the paradigm of the challenging ferrovalley with spin-orientation …
Combined piezoelectricity and ferrovalley properties in Janus monolayer VClBr
Recently, the concept of ferrovalley materials has been proposed. These systems, in which
ferromagnetism or ferroelectricity triggers spontaneous valley polarization, can be applied to …
ferromagnetism or ferroelectricity triggers spontaneous valley polarization, can be applied to …