Structural chirality and electronic chirality in quantum materials

B Yan - Annual Review of Materials Research, 2024‏ -
In chemistry and biochemistry, chirality represents the structural asymmetry characterized by
nonsuperimposable mirror images for a material such as DNA. In physics, however, chirality …

More than energy harvesting in electret electronics‐moving toward next‐generation functional system

J Zhu, Y Yang, H Zhang, Z Zhao… - Advanced Functional …, 2023‏ - Wiley Online Library
Electrets are normally applied for energy conversion from mechanical vibration sources in
the environment to electrical power without any friction, which induces electric device …

Unification of nonlinear anomalous Hall effect and nonreciprocal magnetoresistance in metals by the quantum geometry

D Kaplan, T Holder, B Yan - Physical review letters, 2024‏ - APS
The quantum geometry has significant consequences in determining transport and optical
properties in quantum materials. Here, we use a semiclassical formalism coupled with …

Monopole-like orbital-momentum locking and the induced orbital transport in topological chiral semimetals

Q Yang, J **ao, I Robredo, MG Vergniory, B Yan… - Proceedings of the …, 2023‏ -
The interplay between chirality and topology nurtures many exotic electronic properties. For
instance, topological chiral semimetals display multifold chiral fermions that manifest …

Photothermal responsive slippery surfaces based on laser-structured graphene@ PVDF composites

ZZ Jiao, H Zhou, XC Han, DD Han, YL Zhang - Journal of Colloid and …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Photothermal responsive slippery surfaces with switchable superwettability are promising in
the fields of biomedicine, self-cleaning, anti-corrosion, and lab-on-a-chip systems. However …

Recent advances in biodegradable electronics-from fundament to the next-generation multi-functional, medical and environmental device

J Zhu, H Wen, H Zhang, P Huang, L Liu, H Hu - Sustainable Materials and …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
The great development of healthcare/wearable materials in environmental and medical
sensing has put forward the use of biodegradable electronics, such as poly (L-lactic …

Visualization of chiral electronic structure and anomalous optical response in a material with chiral charge density waves

HF Yang, KY He, J Koo, SW Shen, SH Zhang, G Liu… - Physical review …, 2022‏ - APS
Chiral materials have attracted significant research interests as they exhibit intriguing
physical properties, such as chiral optical response, spin-momentum locking, and chiral …

α-ketoglutaric acid modified chitosan/polyacrylamide semi-interpenetrating polymer network hydrogel for removal of heavy metal ions

Z Zhao, Y Huang, Y Wu, S Li, H Yin, J Wang - Colloids and Surfaces A …, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Chitosan (CTS) has excellent adsorption capacity for heavy metal ions, the combination of
chitosan with hydrogels provides a new development direction for chitosan-based …

Controlled large non-reciprocal charge transport in an intrinsic magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4

Z Zhang, N Wang, N Cao, A Wang, X Zhou… - Nature …, 2022‏ -
Symmetries, quantum geometries and electronic correlations are among the most important
ingredients of condensed matters, and lead to nontrivial phenomena in experiments, for …

Permutable SOS (symmetry operational similarity)

SW Cheong, S Lim, K Du, FT Huang - npj Quantum Materials, 2021‏ -
Based on symmetry consideration, quasi-one-dimensional (1D) objects, relevant to
numerous observables or phenomena, can be classified into eight different types. We …