Natural dyeing of silk and jute fabric with the aqueous extract of coconut leaves–an eco-friendly approach
Purpose In recent years, natural dyes have attracted significant attention globally because of
growing public awareness of the environment and health hazards associated with synthetic …
growing public awareness of the environment and health hazards associated with synthetic …
Antiplasmodial activity of Cocos nucifera leaves in Plasmodium berghei-infected mice
Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum) malaria presents serious public health problems
worldwide. The parasite´ s resistance to antimalarial drugs has proven to be a significant …
worldwide. The parasite´ s resistance to antimalarial drugs has proven to be a significant …
Emerging source of bioactive compounds from Arecaceae family: a systematic review
RS da Silva, PHO de Miranda… - Research, Society and …, 2021 -
The use of plants for medicinal purposes is performed empirically by traditional knowledge
with the use of preparations that seek to extract their active principles, and are considered to …
with the use of preparations that seek to extract their active principles, and are considered to …
Quality Related Safety Evaluation of a South African Traditional Formulation (PHELA®) as Novel Anti-Biofilm Candidate
A South African traditional formulation, PHELA®, is consumed by the traditional people for
severe chest problems with coughing, diarrhea, oral ulcers etc. The present study focused …
severe chest problems with coughing, diarrhea, oral ulcers etc. The present study focused …
Chemical composition and acaricidal activity of seed oils of the palms Mauritia flexuosa and Mauritiella armata in Rhipicephalus microplus (Ixodidae)
GSC Santos, FM Costa, JCG Figueiredo… - Research, Society …, 2021 -
Rhipicephalus microplus é responsável por consideráveis perdas econômicas nas regiões
tropicais e subtropicais. Compostos vegetais têm sido utilizados como alternativa aos …
tropicais e subtropicais. Compostos vegetais têm sido utilizados como alternativa aos …
[PDF][PDF] Nicole M. Tayler, Rosa De Jesús, Rita Spadafora, Lorena M. Coronado &
C Spadafora -
Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum) malaria presents serious public health problems
worldwide. The parasites resistance to antimalarial drugs has proven to be a significant …
worldwide. The parasites resistance to antimalarial drugs has proven to be a significant …
Thermo-Energetic Study in Blood Infected with Plasmodium falciparum radiated at 2.45 GHz
Malaria is a disease that affects the world, caused by the parasite Plasmodium which
resistance is emerging to medications that usually control it. Therefore, it is essential to seek …
resistance is emerging to medications that usually control it. Therefore, it is essential to seek …
Larvicidal activity of leaf extract from Mauritiella armata (Aceraceae) on Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus (Culicidae)
RLF dos Reis Matos, NN de Souza… - Journal of …, 2022 -
The mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) are
important vectors of several arboviruses, and are relevant public health problems …
important vectors of several arboviruses, and are relevant public health problems …
Capacidade antioxidante e potencial fotoprotetor do extrato etanólico das fibras de cascas de coco (Cocos nucifera L.((Arecaceae)
TS Rocha - 2021 -
RESUMO A exposição crônica ao sol, aliada à falta de proteção solar, representa um dos
maiores riscos para o envelhecimento precoce da pele e desenvolvimento de câncer …
maiores riscos para o envelhecimento precoce da pele e desenvolvimento de câncer …
[CITATION][C] Aloe vera ve Cocos nucifera'nın antimikrobiyal, antioksidan ve HepG2 hücre hattı üzerindeki antitümoral etkinliğinin belirlenmesi
Z Taşdan - 2021 - Hitit Üniversitesi