The Dunedin Volcanic Group and a revised model for Zealandia's alkaline intraplate volcanism
The intraplate rocks of the Dunedin Volcanic Group (DVG) in New Zealand's South Island
erupted in two discrete areas between 25 and 21 Ma before becoming distributed over> …
erupted in two discrete areas between 25 and 21 Ma before becoming distributed over> …
An updated catalogue of New Zealand's mantle peridotite and serpentinite
JM Scott - New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
New Zealand has a remarkably large number of exhumed mantle occurrences for a small
exposed landmass. Since the last regional syntheses of peridotite (1987) and serpentinite …
exposed landmass. Since the last regional syntheses of peridotite (1987) and serpentinite …
Continent stabilisation by lateral accretion of subduction zone-processed depleted mantle residues; insights from Zealandia
To examine how the mantle lithosphere stabilises continents, we present a synthesis of the
mantle beneath Zealandia in the SW Pacific Ocean. Zealandia, Earth's “8th continent” …
mantle beneath Zealandia in the SW Pacific Ocean. Zealandia, Earth's “8th continent” …
Peridotitic lithosphere metasomatized by volatile-bearing melts, and its association with intraplate alkaline HIMU-like magmatism
The role of lithospheric mantle metasomatized by CO2-bearing melts in the genesis of HIMU-
like alkaline intraplate basalts is investigated using a suite of peridotite xenoliths from New …
like alkaline intraplate basalts is investigated using a suite of peridotite xenoliths from New …
The seismic structure of the Antarctic upper mantle
The deployment of seismic stations and the development of ambient noise tomography as
well as new analysis methods provide an opportunity for higher-resolution imaging of …
well as new analysis methods provide an opportunity for higher-resolution imaging of …
[HTML][HTML] Sr, Nd, Pb and trace element systematics of the New Caledonia harzburgites: Tracking source depletion and contamination processes in a SSZ setting
Abstract The New Caledonia ophiolite (Peridotite Nappe) consists primarily of harzburgites,
locally overlain by mafic-ultramafic cumulates, and minor spinel and plagioclase lherzolites …
locally overlain by mafic-ultramafic cumulates, and minor spinel and plagioclase lherzolites …
Re-healing cratonic mantle lithosphere after the world's largest igneous intrusion: Constraints from peridotites erupted by the Premier kimberlite, South Africa
Constraining the processes that drive the disruption and re-healing of cratonic mantle roots
is essential in understanding how cratons evolve. A striking example of this “cycle” of …
is essential in understanding how cratons evolve. A striking example of this “cycle” of …
Formation of Ultra‐Depleted Mantle Peridotites and Their Relationship With Boninitic Melts: An Example From the Kamuikotan Unit, Hokkaido, Japan
The extent of partial melting of peridotites is a function of temperature, pressure, and fluid
supply. Understanding the petrogenesis of ultra‐depleted peridotites is important for …
supply. Understanding the petrogenesis of ultra‐depleted peridotites is important for …
[HTML][HTML] Hydrous veined mantle lithosphere and implications for the source of Zealandia intraplate magmas
Although amphibole has long been predicted to be a major component in the mantle source
of intraplate volcanic rocks in New Zealand, the physical evidence for this phase, despite …
of intraplate volcanic rocks in New Zealand, the physical evidence for this phase, despite …
Highly siderophile and chalcophile element behaviour in abyssal-type and supra-subduction zone mantle: New insights from the New Caledonia ophiolite
Abstract The New Caledonia Ophiolite hosts one of the largest obducted mantle sections
worldwide, offering a unique opportunity to investigate key mantle processes. The ophiolite …
worldwide, offering a unique opportunity to investigate key mantle processes. The ophiolite …