Dual‐mycorrhizal plants: their ecology and relevance
Dual‐mycorrhizal plants are capable of associating with fungi that form characteristic
arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and ectomycorrhizal (EM) structures. Here, we address the …
arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and ectomycorrhizal (EM) structures. Here, we address the …
Considering fungal: bacterial dominance in soils–methods, controls, and ecosystem implications
An expectation in soil ecology is that a microbial communities' fungal: bacterial dominance
indicates both its response to environmental change and its impact on ecosystem function …
indicates both its response to environmental change and its impact on ecosystem function …
[HTML][HTML] Tamm Review: On the nature of the nitrogen limitation to plant growth in Fennoscandian boreal forests
The supply of nitrogen commonly limits plant production in boreal forests and also affects
species composition and ecosystem functions other than plant growth. These interrelations …
species composition and ecosystem functions other than plant growth. These interrelations …
The role of ectomycorrhizal communities in forest ecosystem processes: new perspectives and emerging concepts
The fungal symbionts forming ectomycorrhizas, as well as their associated bacteria, benefit
forest trees in a number of ways although the most important is enhancing soil nutrient …
forest trees in a number of ways although the most important is enhancing soil nutrient …
Is microbial community composition in boreal forest soils determined by pH, C-to-N ratio, the trees, or all three?
In Fennoscandian boreal forests, soil pH and N supply generally increase downhill as a
result of water transport of base cations and N, respectively. Simultaneously, forest …
result of water transport of base cations and N, respectively. Simultaneously, forest …
The production and turnover of extramatrical mycelium of ectomycorrhizal fungi in forest soils: role in carbon cycling
There is growing evidence of the importance of extramatrical mycelium (EMM) of mycorrhizal
fungi in carbon (C) cycling in ecosystems. However, our understanding has until recently …
fungi in carbon (C) cycling in ecosystems. However, our understanding has until recently …
Mycorrhizal fungi mediation of terrestrial ecosystem responses to global change: mini-review
Mycorrhizal fungi are responsible for most nutrient uptake by the majority of land plants. As
such, mycorrhizas are increasingly recognized as important drivers of terrestrial ecosystem …
such, mycorrhizas are increasingly recognized as important drivers of terrestrial ecosystem …
Fifteen years of climate change manipulations alter soil microbial communities in a subarctic heath ecosystem
Soil microbial biomass in arctic heaths has been shown to be largely unaffected by
treatments simulating climate change with temperature, nutrient and light manipulations …
treatments simulating climate change with temperature, nutrient and light manipulations …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluation of methods to estimate production, biomass and turnover of ectomycorrhizal mycelium in forests soils–A review
Mycorrhizal fungi constitute a considerable sink for carbon in most ecosystems. This carbon
is used for building extensive mycelial networks in the soil as well as for metabolic activity …
is used for building extensive mycelial networks in the soil as well as for metabolic activity …
The microbial PLFA composition as affected by pH in an arable soil
The influence of soil pH on the phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) composition of the microbial
community was investigated along the Hoosfield acid strip, Rothamsted Research, UK–a …
community was investigated along the Hoosfield acid strip, Rothamsted Research, UK–a …