[HTML][HTML] A review of electric vehicle lifecycle emissions and policy recommendations to increase EV penetration in India
Electric vehicles reduce pollution only if a high percentage of the electricity mix comes from
renewable sources and if the battery manufacturing takes place at a site far from the vehicle …
renewable sources and if the battery manufacturing takes place at a site far from the vehicle …
What is polluting Delhi's air? A review from 1990 to 2022
Delhi's annual average PM2. 5 concentration in 2021–22 was 100 μg/m3—20 times more
than the WHO guideline of 5 μg/m3. This is an improvement compared to the limited …
than the WHO guideline of 5 μg/m3. This is an improvement compared to the limited …
Air pollution knowledge assessments (APnA) for 20 Indian cities
Delhi, with a population of 22 million (1.6% of national total) is one of the most polluted
capital cities in the world. Nearly 50% of the published literature in India focus on air …
capital cities in the world. Nearly 50% of the published literature in India focus on air …
Multi-agent reinforcement learning for traffic signal control: A cooperative approach
The rapid growth of urbanization and the constant demand for mobility have put a great
strain on transportation systems in cities. One of the major challenges in these areas is traffic …
strain on transportation systems in cities. One of the major challenges in these areas is traffic …
[HTML][HTML] Secondary organic aerosols from anthropogenic volatile organic compounds contribute substantially to air pollution mortality
Anthropogenic secondary organic aerosol (ASOA), formed from anthropogenic emissions of
organic compounds, constitutes a substantial fraction of the mass of submicron aerosol in …
organic compounds, constitutes a substantial fraction of the mass of submicron aerosol in …
A review of air pollution exposure impacts on travel behaviour and way forward
Travel is an activity that everyone carries out in their daily life. While travelling, commuters
are exposed to air pollution, which is likely to impact their mode, route, and/or departure time …
are exposed to air pollution, which is likely to impact their mode, route, and/or departure time …
Towards sustainable logistics in India: Forecasting freight transport emissions and policy evaluations
This paper forecasts the growth of freight transport emissions in India's trucking sector until
2050. We use the ARIMAX time series model to project the commercial vehicle population …
2050. We use the ARIMAX time series model to project the commercial vehicle population …
New directions: air pollution challenges for develo** megacities like Delhi
Most major cities around the world experience periods of elevated air pollution levels, which
exceed international health-based air quality standards (Kumar et al., 2013). Although it is a …
exceed international health-based air quality standards (Kumar et al., 2013). Although it is a …
Emission inventory for road transport in India in 2020: framework and post facto policy impact assessment
India's growing population and economic development lead to an increase in transport
emissions. Quantification of emission at frequent intervals is required to assess the emission …
emissions. Quantification of emission at frequent intervals is required to assess the emission …
[HTML][HTML] Assessment of the impact of road transport policies on air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in Kenya
We compile a detailed road transport inventory for greenhouse gases and air pollutants to
explore energy emissions from alternative policy scenarios for the Kenya road transport …
explore energy emissions from alternative policy scenarios for the Kenya road transport …