Effect of integrating physics education technology simulations on students' conceptual understanding in physics: A review of literature

HJ Banda, J Nzabahimana - Physical review physics education research, 2021‏ - APS
This paper describes a comprehensive review of 31 quasi or experimental research studies
from the past decade on the effect of PhET simulations on students' conceptual …

Impact of computer-based simulations on students' learning of organic chemistry in the selected secondary schools of Gicumbi District in Rwanda

E Nsabayezu, A Iyamuremye, J Mukiza… - Education and …, 2023‏ - Springer
The current research strives for examining the power of utilizing computer-based simulations
on students' academic performance and their perceptions of organic chemistry after using …

Enhancing the Learning of Newton's Second Law of Motion Using Computer Simulations.

K AlArabi, H Tairab, Y Wardat, S Belbase… - Journal of Baltic Science …, 2022‏ - ceeol.com
This quasi-experimental study was conducted in two secondary schools in a major city in the
United Arab Emirates (UAE) to examine the impact of Computer Simulations (CSs) on …

Changes in the attitudes of mathematics and science teachers toward the integration and use of computerized technological tools as a result of the COVID-19 …

A Klemer, R Segal, S Miedijensky… - Eurasia journal of …, 2023‏ - ejmste.com
This quantitative retrospective study examines a non-probable convenience sample of 104
in-service mathematics and science teachers with the aim to understand their changes in …

The effect of computer simulations on students' conceptual and procedural understanding of Newton's second law of motion

S Alabidi, K Alarabi, H Tairab, S Alamassi… - EURASIA Journal of …, 2023‏ - ejmste.com
This study aims to assess the impact of computer simulations (CSs) within an inquiry-based
learning (IBL) environment on grade 11 students' performance in Newton's second law of …

From feeling forces to understanding forces: The impact of bodily engagement on learning in science

AR Zohar, ST Levy - Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2021‏ - Wiley Online Library
Embodied cognition theories view sensorimotor activity as fundamental to learning,
knowing, and reasoning. To investigate the role of physical movement in conceptual …

Enhancing learners' conceptual understanding of reaction kinetics using computer simulations–a case study approach

S Jere, M Mpeta - Research in Science Education, 2024‏ - Springer
One of the critical goals of teaching chemistry is to enable learners to gain conceptual
understanding. Traditional instruction has often been associated with rote memorisation …

Using simulations to support students' conceptual development related to wildfire hazards and risks from an experiential learning perspective

T Lord, P Horwitz, HS Lee, A Pallant, C Lore - Journal of Science …, 2024‏ - Springer
From the experiential learning perspective, this study investigates middle and high school
students (n= 1009) who used an online module to learn about wildfire hazards, risks, and …

Teaching and learning Physics using interactive simulation: A guided inquiry practice

AA Ogegbo, U Ramnarain - South African Journal of Education, 2022‏ - ajol.info
The research reported here examined the outcome of using interactive simulation
technology (IST) as a guided-inquiry approach to enhance learners' conceptual knowledge …

Improving Teachers' Understanding and Readiness in Implementing STEM through Science Learning Simulation

T Toto, L Yulisma, A Amam - Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 2021‏ - journal.unnes.ac.id
This study expects to discover the improvement of science teachers' comprehension of the
STEM concept, the improvement of teachers' readiness in implementing it, and the …