Review of heavy-nucleus-acoustic nonlinear structures in cold degenerate plasmas

S Sultana - Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics, 2022 - Springer
Ultra-dense degenerate quantum plasma is an omnipresent ingredient in astrophysical
compact objects (viz., neutron stars, white dwarfs, black holes, etc.) as well as in the plasma …

Nucleus-acoustic envelope solitons and their modulational instability in a degenerate quantum plasma system

NA Chowdhury, MM Hasan, A Mannan, AA Mamun - Vacuum, 2018 - Elsevier
The existence and the basic features of nucleus-acoustic (NA) envelope bright and dark
solitons in a degenerate quantum plasma system (DQPSs)(containing non-relativistically …

Nonplanar ion-acoustic shock waves in degenerate plasmas with positively charged heavy ions

MR Hossen, L Nahar, S Sultana, AA Mamun - High Energy Density Physics, 2014 - Elsevier
The theoretical and numerical study on the nonlinear propagation of heavy-ion-acoustic
(HIA) shock waves has been carried out in an unmagnetized, collisionless dense plasma …

Electrostatic solitary structures in a relativistic degenerate multispecies plasma

MR Hossen, AA Mamun - Brazilian Journal of Physics, 2014 - Springer
The nonlinear propagation of cylindrical and spherical modified ion-acoustic (mIA) waves in
an unmagnetized, collisionless, relativistic, degenerate multispecies plasma has been …

Modulated heavy nucleus-acoustic waves and associated rogue waves in a degenerate relativistic quantum plasma system

S Sultana, S Islam, AA Mamun, R Schlickeiser - Physics of Plasmas, 2018 -
A theoretical and numerical investigation has been carried out on amplitude modulated
heavy nucleus-acoustic envelope solitons (HNAESs) in a degenerate relativistic quantum …

Nonlinear coherent structures of nucleus-acoustic wave excitations in multi-nuclei quantum plasmas with ultra-relativistically degenerate electrons and positrons

D Kolay, D Dutta - Physics of Plasmas, 2023 -
The propagation dynamics of the nucleus-acoustic waves (NAW) in a quantum plasma
composed of nondegenerate inertial light nuclei, stationary heavy nuclei, and ultra …

Ion-acoustic waves in dense magneto-rotating quantum plasma

B Sahu, A Sinha, R Roychoudhury - Physics of Plasmas, 2019 -
A theoretical study is presented for the oblique propagation of linear and nonlinear ion
acoustic waves in a dense electron-ion quantum plasma, as that found in dense …

Nonplanar shock structures in a relativistic degenerate multi-species plasma

MR Hossen, SA Ema, AA Mamun - … in Theoretical Physics, 2014 -
A nonlinear propagation of cylindrical and spherical modified ion-acoustic (mIA) waves in an
unmagnetized, collisionless, relativistic, degenerate multi-species plasma has been …

Ultra-low frequency shock dynamics in degenerate relativistic plasmas

S Islam, S Sultana, AA Mamun - Physics of Plasmas, 2017 -
A degenerate relativistic three-component plasma model is proposed for ultra-low frequency
shock dynamics. A reductive perturbation technique is adopted, leading to Burgers' …

Envelope solitons in three-component degenerate relativistic quantum plasmas

S Islam, S Sultana, AA Mamun - Physics of Plasmas, 2017 -
The criteria for the formation of envelope solitons and their basic features in a three-
component degenerate relativistic quantum plasma (DRQP) system (containing …