[HTML][HTML] Should we really 'hermeneutise'the Digital Humanities? A plea for the epistemic productivity of a 'cultural technique of flattening'in the Humanities.
S Krämer - Journal of Cultural Analytics, 2023 - culturalanalytics.org
Why are the Digital Humanities a genuine part of the Humanities? Attempts are currently
being made by arguing that computational methods are at the same time hermeneutic …
being made by arguing that computational methods are at the same time hermeneutic …
Computational stylistics
Computational Stylistics (CS) is a field of enquiry that examines the forms, social
embedding, and the aesthetic potential of literary texts by means of computational and …
embedding, and the aesthetic potential of literary texts by means of computational and …
What's the matter with computational literary studies?
K Bode - Critical Inquiry, 2023 - journals.uchicago.edu
The debate about computational literary studies (CLS) is stuck. Forceful arguments are
repeatedly made as to why literary studies must now—or could never—involve …
repeatedly made as to why literary studies must now—or could never—involve …
Toward a data-driven theory of narrativity
In this essay, we provide a framework for the empirical testing of narrative theory using the
process of machine learning and predictive modeling. Drawing on a collection of over …
process of machine learning and predictive modeling. Drawing on a collection of over …
Vector hermeneutics: On the interpretation of vector space models of text
JE Dobson - Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2022 - academic.oup.com
Scholars working in computational literary studies are increasingly making use of text-
derived vector space models, by which I mean numerical models of texts that represent the …
derived vector space models, by which I mean numerical models of texts that represent the …
Von der ‚Lesbarkeit der Welt '(Blumenberg) zur ‚Mas chinenlesbarkeit der Datenkorpora 'oder: Sind die Digital Humanities ein genuiner Teil der …
S Krämer - … ? Perspektiven aus Ethik, Philosophie und Theologie, 2022 - Springer
Die folgenden Überlegungen sind ein Plädoyer dafür, die Digital Humanities als einen
Teilbereich der Geisteswissenschaften anzuerkennen. Denn allzu verbreitet ist immer noch …
Teilbereich der Geisteswissenschaften anzuerkennen. Denn allzu verbreitet ist immer noch …
El texto literario hecho datos: FM Dostoievski en el marco de las humanidades digitales y los enfoques cuantitativos
BBB García - 452ºF. Revista de Teoría de la literatura y Literatura …, 2020 - revistes.ub.edu
El discurso en las obras de FM Dostoievski lleva más de 150 años atrayendo la atención de
numerosos especialistas, cada vez procedentes de ámbitos más dispares. Con la …
numerosos especialistas, cada vez procedentes de ámbitos más dispares. Con la …
Digital Humanities
S Krämer - Handbuch Technikphilosophie, 2024 - Springer
Sprache und Technik sind wohl zu unterscheidende Weisen menschlicher
Daseinsbewältigung. Doch da, wo das Symbolische und das Technische, wo Darstellen und …
Daseinsbewältigung. Doch da, wo das Symbolische und das Technische, wo Darstellen und …
Facebook Comments-Based Assessment Model for Food Product Companies Using Four Machine Learning Methods with Arabic/Iraqi Lexicon
People's need for food is increasing day after day due to the large population increase that
has occurred in human society, which has led to a significant increase in the activity of food …
has occurred in human society, which has led to a significant increase in the activity of food …
Exploring Gulf Manumission Documents with Word Vectors
In this article we analyze a corpus related to manumission and slavery in the Arabian Gulf in
the late nineteenth-and early twentieth-century that we created using Handwritten Text …
the late nineteenth-and early twentieth-century that we created using Handwritten Text …