[HTML][HTML] Rewards teach visual selective attention
Visual selective attention is the brain function that modulates ongoing processing of retinal
input in order for selected representations to gain privileged access to perceptual …
input in order for selected representations to gain privileged access to perceptual …
Common and distinct neural correlates of personal and vicarious reward: A quantitative meta-analysis
Individuals experience reward not only when directly receiving positive outcomes (eg, food
or money), but also when observing others receive such outcomes. This latter phenomenon …
or money), but also when observing others receive such outcomes. This latter phenomenon …
The neural basis of drug stimulus processing and craving: an activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis
BACKGROUND: The capacity of drug cues to elicit drug-seeking behavior is believed to play
a fundamental role in drug dependence; yet the neurofunctional basis of human drug cue …
a fundamental role in drug dependence; yet the neurofunctional basis of human drug cue …
Amotivation in schizophrenia: integrated assessment with behavioral, clinical, and imaging measures
Motivational deficits play a central role in disability caused by schizophrenia and constitute a
major unmet therapeutic need. Negative symptoms have previously been linked to …
major unmet therapeutic need. Negative symptoms have previously been linked to …
A systematic review of fMRI reward paradigms used in studies of adolescents vs. adults: the impact of task design and implications for understanding …
The neural systems underlying reward-related behaviors across development have recently
generated a great amount of interest. Yet, the neurodevelopmental literature on reward …
generated a great amount of interest. Yet, the neurodevelopmental literature on reward …
Building bridges between perceptual and economic decision-making: neural and computational mechanisms
Investigation into the neural and computational bases of decision-making has proceeded in
two parallel but distinct streams. Perceptual decision-making (PDM) is concerned with how …
two parallel but distinct streams. Perceptual decision-making (PDM) is concerned with how …
Functional properties of the basal ganglia's re-entrant loop architecture: selection and reinforcement
P Redgrave, N Vautrelle, JNJ Reynolds - Neuroscience, 2011 - Elsevier
Multifunctional agents with limited motor resources must decide what actions will best
ensure their survival. Moreover, given that in an unpredictable world things don't always …
ensure their survival. Moreover, given that in an unpredictable world things don't always …
How motivation and reward learning modulate selective attention
Motivational stimuli such as rewards elicit adaptive responses and influence various
cognitive functions. Notably, increasing evidence suggests that stimuli with particular …
cognitive functions. Notably, increasing evidence suggests that stimuli with particular …
Human orbitofrontal cortex signals decision outcomes to sensory cortex during behavioral adaptations
The ability to respond flexibly to an ever-changing environment relies on the orbitofrontal
cortex (OFC). However, how the OFC associates sensory information with predicted …
cortex (OFC). However, how the OFC associates sensory information with predicted …
[HTML][HTML] Dopaminergic reward signals selectively decrease fMRI activity in primate visual cortex
Stimulus-reward coupling without attention can induce highly specific perceptual learning
effects, suggesting that reward triggers selective plasticity within visual cortex. Additionally …
effects, suggesting that reward triggers selective plasticity within visual cortex. Additionally …