The assessment of visual function and functional vision
The complete assessment of vision-related abilities should consider visual function (the
performance of components of the visual system) and functional vision (visual task-related …
performance of components of the visual system) and functional vision (visual task-related …
AM/EEG-fMRI fusion primer: resolving human brain responses in space and time
Any cognitive function is mediated by a network of many cortical sites whose activity is
orchestrated through complex temporal dynamics. To understand cognition, we need to …
orchestrated through complex temporal dynamics. To understand cognition, we need to …
Limits to visual representational correspondence between convolutional neural networks and the human brain
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are increasingly used to model human vision due to
their high object categorization capabilities and general correspondence with human brain …
their high object categorization capabilities and general correspondence with human brain …
The representational dynamics of task and object processing in humans
Despite the importance of an observer's goals in determining how a visual object is
categorized, surprisingly little is known about how humans process the task context in which …
categorized, surprisingly little is known about how humans process the task context in which …
Selectivity for food in human ventral visual cortex
Visual cortex contains regions of selectivity for domains of ecological importance. Food is an
evolutionarily critical category whose visual heterogeneity may make the identification of …
evolutionarily critical category whose visual heterogeneity may make the identification of …
Parietal-driven visual working memory representation in occipito-temporal cortex
Y Xu - Current biology, 2023 - cell.com
Human fMRI studies have documented extensively that the content of visual working
memory (VWM) can be reliably decoded from fMRI voxel response patterns during the delay …
memory (VWM) can be reliably decoded from fMRI voxel response patterns during the delay …
[HTML][HTML] The spatiotemporal neural dynamics underlying perceived similarity for real-world objects
The degree to which we perceive real-world objects as similar or dissimilar structures our
perception and guides categorization behavior. Here, we investigated the neural …
perception and guides categorization behavior. Here, we investigated the neural …
Flexible utilization of spatial-and motor-based codes for the storage of visuo-spatial information
Working memory provides flexible storage of information in service of upcoming behavioral
goals. Some models propose specific fixed loci and mechanisms for the storage of visual …
goals. Some models propose specific fixed loci and mechanisms for the storage of visual …
Parietal representations of stimulus features are amplified during memory retrieval and flexibly aligned with top-down goals
In studies of human episodic memory, the phenomenon of reactivation has traditionally been
observed in regions of occipitotemporal cortex (OTC) involved in visual perception …
observed in regions of occipitotemporal cortex (OTC) involved in visual perception …
Graspable foods and tools elicit similar responses in visual cortex
The extrastriatal visual cortex is known to exhibit distinct response profiles to complex stimuli
of varying ecological importance (eg faces, scenes, and tools). Although food is primarily …
of varying ecological importance (eg faces, scenes, and tools). Although food is primarily …