[HTML][HTML] Learning from natural sediments to tackle microplastics challenges: A multidisciplinary perspective

K Waldschläger, MZM Brückner, BC Almroth… - Earth-Science …, 2022 - Elsevier
Although the study of microplastics in the aquatic environment incorporates a diversity of
research fields, it is still in its infancy in many aspects while comparable topics have been …

[HTML][HTML] A review of unoccupied aerial vehicle use in wetland applications: Emerging opportunities in approach, technology, and data

I Dronova, C Kislik, Z Dinh, M Kelly - Drones, 2021 - mdpi.com
Recent developments in technology and data processing for Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles
(UAVs) have revolutionized the scope of ecosystem monitoring, providing novel pathways to …

Evaluating thin-layer sediment placement as a tool for enhancing tidal marsh resilience: A coordinated experiment across eight US National estuarine research …

KB Raposa, A Woolfolk, CA Endris, MC Fountain… - Estuaries and …, 2023 - Springer
Thin-layer sediment placement (TLP) is a promising management tool for enhancing tidal
marsh resilience to rising seas. We conducted a 3-year experiment at eight US National …

Laying it on thick: Ecosystem effects of sediment placement on a microtidal Rhode Island salt marsh

KB Raposa, M Bradley, C Chaffee, N Ernst… - Frontiers in …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Heightened recognition of impacts to coastal salt marshes from sea-level rise has led to
expanding interest in using thin-layer sediment placement (TLP) as an adaptation tool to …

[HTML][HTML] Assessing Spectral Band, Elevation, and Collection Date Combinations for Classifying Salt Marsh Vegetation with Unoccupied Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Acquired …

M Routhier, G Moore, B Rock - Remote Sensing, 2023 - mdpi.com
New England salt marshes provide many services to humans and the environment, but
these landscapes are threatened by drivers such as sea level rise. Map** the distribution …

[HTML][HTML] Response of native and exotic saltmarsh species to sediment deposition addition

M **ao, T Cai, X Wang, J Cheng, B Liu, X **a… - Science of the Total …, 2023 - Elsevier
The native saltmarsh species Scirpus mariqueter (hereafter S. mariqueter) and the exotic
species saltmarsh cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora Loisel., hereafter S. alterniflora), have …

Short-term effects of thin-layer sand placement on salt marsh grasses: A marsh organ field experiment

AR Payne, DM Burdick, GE Moore… - Journal of Coastal …, 2021 - meridian.allenpress.com
ABSTRACT Payne, AR; Burdick, DM; Moore, GE, and Wigand, C., 2021. Short-term effects of
thin-layer sand placement on salt marsh grasses: A marsh organ field experiment. Journal of …

Effects of climate change on salt marshes

I Valiela, J Lloret, K Chenoweth - Climate Change and Estuaries, 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
Although estimates of the area of salt marsh vary, it appears that major losses have taken
place though this century, making these wetlands one of the most threatened natural …

Wetland elevation change following beneficial use of dredged material nourishment

BD Harris, A Ostojic, LP Tedesco… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2025 - frontiersin.org
Introduction The beneficial use of dredged material (BUDM) to nourish degrading wetlands
is a direct solution to increase surface elevation to help wetlands keep pace with sea level …

[HTML][HTML] Quantifying the importance of ice-rafted debris to salt marsh sedimentation using high resolution UAS imagery

S Stopak, G Nordio, S Fagherazzi - Remote Sensing, 2022 - mdpi.com
Salt marshes are vulnerable to sea-level rise, sediment deficits, and storm impacts. To
remain vertically resilient, salt marshes must accrete sediment at rates greater or equal to …