Mutual information for the selection of relevant variables in spectrometric nonlinear modelling

F Rossi, A Lendasse, D François, V Wertz… - … and intelligent laboratory …, 2006 - Elsevier
Data from spectrophotometers form vectors of a large number of exploitable variables.
Building quantitative models using these variables most often requires using a smaller set of …

Mutual information-based feature selection for multilabel classification

G Doquire, M Verleysen - Neurocomputing, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper introduces a new methodology to perform feature selection in multi-label
classification problems. Unlike previous works based on the χ 2 statistics, the proposed …

Spectral features extraction for estimation of soil total nitrogen content based on modified ant colony optimization algorithm

Y Zhang, M Li, L Zheng, Q Qin, WS Lee - Geoderma, 2019 - Elsevier
Nondestructive and rapid estimation of soil total nitrogen (TN) content by using near-infrared
spectroscopy plays a crucial role in agriculture. The obtained original spectrum, however …

Feature selection for multi-label classification problems

G Doquire, M Verleysen - … : 11th International Work-Conference on Artificial …, 2011 - Springer
This paper proposes the use of mutual information for feature selection in multi-label
classification, a surprisingly almost not studied problem. A pruned problem transformation …

Genetic algorithm optimisation combined with partial least squares regression and mutual information variable selection procedures in near-infrared quantitative …

A Durand, O Devos, C Ruckebusch, JP Huvenne - Analytica Chimica Acta, 2007 - Elsevier
In this work, different approaches for variable selection are studied in the context of near-
infrared (NIR) multivariate calibration of textile. First, a model-based regression method is …

CovSel: variable selection for highly multivariate and multi-response calibration: application to IR spectroscopy

JM Roger, B Palagos, D Bertrand… - Chemometrics and …, 2011 - Elsevier
Variable selection is of major interest for NIR calibration, either as a feature selection or for
the design of multi-wavelength devices. Some dedicated methods have been developed in …

Assessment of infrared spectroscopy and multivariate techniques for monitoring the service condition of diesel-engine lubricating oils

AR Caneca, MF Pimentel, RKH Galvão, CE da Matta… - Talanta, 2006 - Elsevier
This paper presents two methodologies for monitoring the service condition of diesel-engine
lubricating oils on the basis of infrared spectra. In the first approach, oils samples are …

Optimal hyperspectral characteristics determination for winter wheat yield prediction

Y Zhang, Q Qin, H Ren, Y Sun, M Li, T Zhang, S Ren - Remote Sensing, 2018 -
Crop growth in different periods influences the final yield. This study started from the
agronomic mechanism of yield formation and aimed to extract useful spectral characteristics …

Spectrophotometric applications of digital signal processing

RZ Morawski - Measurement Science and Technology, 2006 -
Spectrophotometry is more and more often the method of choice not only in analysis of (bio)
chemical substances, but also in the identification of physical properties of various objects …

Feature extraction and selection based on vibration spectrum with application to estimating the load parameters of ball mill in grinding process

J Tang, T Chai, W Yu, L Zhao - Control Engineering Practice, 2012 - Elsevier
Feature extraction and selection are important issues in soft sensing and complex nonlinear
system modeling. In this paper, a new feature extraction and selection approach based on …