Taking atom interferometric quantum sensors from the laboratory to real-world applications
Since the first proof-of-principle experiments over 25 years ago, atom interferometry has
matured to a versatile tool that can be used in fundamental research in particle physics …
matured to a versatile tool that can be used in fundamental research in particle physics …
Gravitational decoherence
We discuss effects of loss of coherence in low energy quantum systems caused by or related
to gravitation, referred to as gravitational decoherence. These effects, resulting from random …
to gravitation, referred to as gravitational decoherence. These effects, resulting from random …
Gravity measurements below 10−9g with a transportable absolute quantum gravimeter
Gravimetry is a well-established technique for the determination of sub-surface mass
distribution needed in several fields of geoscience, and various types of gravimeters have …
distribution needed in several fields of geoscience, and various types of gravimeters have …
Gravity surveys using a mobile atom interferometer
Mobile gravimetry is important in metrology, navigation, geodesy, and geophysics. Atomic
gravimeters could be among the most accurate mobile gravimeters but are currently …
gravimeters could be among the most accurate mobile gravimeters but are currently …
High-accuracy inertial measurements with cold-atom sensors
The research on cold-atom interferometers gathers a large community of about 50 groups
worldwide both in the academic and now in the industrial sectors. The interest in this sub …
worldwide both in the academic and now in the industrial sectors. The interest in this sub …
[HTML][HTML] Chip-scale atomic devices
J Kitching - Applied Physics Reviews, 2018 - pubs.aip.org
Chip-scale atomic devices combine elements of precision atomic spectroscopy, silicon
micromachining, and advanced diode laser technology to create compact, low-power, and …
micromachining, and advanced diode laser technology to create compact, low-power, and …
Experiment to detect dark energy forces using atom interferometry
DO Sabulsky, I Dutta, EA Hinds, B Elder, C Burrage… - Physical Review Letters, 2019 - APS
The accelerated expansion of the universe motivates a wide class of scalar field theories
that modify general relativity (GR) on large scales. Such theories require a screening …
that modify general relativity (GR) on large scales. Such theories require a screening …
Advances toward fieldable atom interferometers
We review the field of atom interferometer inertial sensors. We begin by reviewing the path
integral formulation of atom interferometers and then specialize the treatment to light-pulse …
integral formulation of atom interferometers and then specialize the treatment to light-pulse …
Atomic sensors–a review
We discuss the basic physics and instrumentation issues related to high-performance
physical and inertial sensors based on atomic spectroscopy. Recent work on atomic …
physical and inertial sensors based on atomic spectroscopy. Recent work on atomic …
[HTML][HTML] Micro-fabricated components for cold atom sensors
Laser cooled atoms have proven transformative for precision metrology, playing a pivotal
role in state-of-the-art clocks and interferometers and having the potential to provide a step …
role in state-of-the-art clocks and interferometers and having the potential to provide a step …