The functional roles of surgeonfishes on coral reefs: past, present and future
Surgeonfishes have had a long evolutionary history that has been closely linked with coral
reef ecosystems. Today they are a key component of reef fish assemblages, playing a …
reef ecosystems. Today they are a key component of reef fish assemblages, playing a …
Algal turf sediments on coral reefs: what's known and what's next
Algal turfs are likely to rise in prominence on coral reefs in the Anthropocene. In these
ecosystems the sediments bound within algal turfs will shape ecosystem functions and the …
ecosystems the sediments bound within algal turfs will shape ecosystem functions and the …
Homogenization and miniaturization of habitat structure in temperate marine forests
Humans are rapidly transforming the structural configuration of the planet's ecosystems, but
these changes and their ecological consequences remain poorly quantified in underwater …
these changes and their ecological consequences remain poorly quantified in underwater …
Sedimentation and overfishing drive changes in early succession and coral recruitment
Sedimentation and overfishing are important local stressors on coral reefs that can
independently result in declines in coral recruitment and shifts to algal-dominated states …
independently result in declines in coral recruitment and shifts to algal-dominated states …
[HTML][HTML] Bio-physical determinants of sediment accumulation on an offshore coral reef: A snapshot study
Sediments are found on all coral reefs around the globe. However, the amount of sediment
in different reservoirs, and the rates at which sediments move between reservoirs, can …
in different reservoirs, and the rates at which sediments move between reservoirs, can …
A snapshot of sediment dynamics on an inshore coral reef
Sediments are ubiquitous on coral reefs. However, studies of reef sediments have largely
focused on isolated reservoirs, or processes, and rarely consider hydrodynamic drivers. We …
focused on isolated reservoirs, or processes, and rarely consider hydrodynamic drivers. We …
The limited role of herbivorous fishes and turf-based trophic pathways in the functioning of turbid coral reefs
Herbivorous fishes, and the productivity of algal turfs, are widely viewed as central to the
functioning of coral reefs. This understanding is largely based on clear-water reefs. Our …
functioning of coral reefs. This understanding is largely based on clear-water reefs. Our …
Long-term spatial variations in turbidity and temperature provide new insights into coral-algal states on extreme/marginal reefs
Globally, coral reefs are under threat, with many exhibiting degradation or a shift towards
algal-dominated regimes following marine heat waves, and other disturbance events …
algal-dominated regimes following marine heat waves, and other disturbance events …
Antagonistic effects of seawalls and urban sedimentation on epilithic algal matrix (EAM)-feeding fishes
Marine urbanisation often results in the proliferation of artificial coastal defences and heavy
sedimentation, adversely impacting coral reef systems in tropical coastal cities. Knowledge …
sedimentation, adversely impacting coral reef systems in tropical coastal cities. Knowledge …
Fish farm effluents alter reef benthic assemblages and reduce coral settlement
Fish farming in coastal areas is a rapidly growing industry. However, unregulated fish
farming practices that release massive amounts of unconsumed feed and fecal material into …
farming practices that release massive amounts of unconsumed feed and fecal material into …