A revised limbic system model for memory, emotion and behaviour
Emotion, memories and behaviour emerge from the coordinated activities of regions
connected by the limbic system. Here, we propose an update of the limbic model based on …
connected by the limbic system. Here, we propose an update of the limbic model based on …
Tractography: where do we go from here?
S Jbabdi, H Johansen-Berg - Brain connectivity, 2011 - liebertpub.com
Diffusion tractography offers enormous potential for the study of human brain anatomy.
However, as a method to study brain connectivity, tractography suffers from limitations, as it …
However, as a method to study brain connectivity, tractography suffers from limitations, as it …
Tract profiles of white matter properties: automating fiber-tract quantification
Tractography based on diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) data is a method for identifying the
major white matter fascicles (tracts) in the living human brain. The health of these tracts is an …
major white matter fascicles (tracts) in the living human brain. The health of these tracts is an …
Tract-based spatial statistics: voxelwise analysis of multi-subject diffusion data
The characterization of the topological architecture of complex networks underlying the
structural and functional organization of the brain is a basic challenge in neuroscience …
structural and functional organization of the brain is a basic challenge in neuroscience …
Brain connectivity: gender makes a difference
It has been well known that gender plays a critical role in the anatomy and function of the
human brain, as well as human behaviors. Recent neuroimaging studies have …
human brain, as well as human behaviors. Recent neuroimaging studies have …
Diffusion-Tensor MR Imaging and Tractography: Exploring Brain Microstructure and Connectivity1
PGP Nucifora, R Verma, SK Lee, ER Melhem - Radiology, 2007 - pubs.rsna.org
Diffusion magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is evolving into a potent tool in the examination
of the central nervous system. Although it is often used for the detection of acute ischemia …
of the central nervous system. Although it is often used for the detection of acute ischemia …
Structural asymmetries in the infant language and sensori-motor networks
Both language capacity and strongly lateralized hand preference are among the most
intriguing particularities of the human species. They are associated in the adult brain with …
intriguing particularities of the human species. They are associated in the adult brain with …