The contemporary cybercrime ecosystem: A multi-disciplinary overview of the state of affairs and developments
S Broadhead - Computer Law & Security Review, 2018 - Elsevier
This article provides a multi-disciplinary overview of the contemporary cybercrime
ecosystem and its developments. It does so by reviewing and synthesising recent …
ecosystem and its developments. It does so by reviewing and synthesising recent …
[CARTE][B] Introducing relational political analysis: Political semiotics as a theory and method
In various disciplines such as archeology, psychology, psychoanalysis, international
relations, and philosophy, we have seen the emergence of relational approaches or …
relations, and philosophy, we have seen the emergence of relational approaches or …
[CARTE][B] Contemporary debates on terrorism
R Jackson, D Pisoiu - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Contemporary Debates on Terrorism is an innovative textbook, addressing a number of key
issues in terrorism studies from both traditional and'critical'perspectives. This second edition …
issues in terrorism studies from both traditional and'critical'perspectives. This second edition …
The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Internet
B Warf - 2018 - torrossa.com
xxiv Introduction from and how it came to be.(For overviews, see Hafner and Lyon 1996;
Banks 2008; Ryan 2013). The Internet originated in the 1960s under the US Defense …
Banks 2008; Ryan 2013). The Internet originated in the 1960s under the US Defense …
[CARTE][B] Geographies of the Internet
B Warf - 2021 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Names: Warf, Barney, 1956–editor. Title: Geographies of the Internet/edited by Barney Warf.
Description: Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2020.| Series …
Description: Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2020.| Series …
Normal cyber accidents
S Backman - Journal of Cyber Policy, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Several of the most serious cyber incidents affecting critical infrastructure to date have been
the result of collateral damage, indirect effects, malware that 'escaped'their intended target …
the result of collateral damage, indirect effects, malware that 'escaped'their intended target …
[PDF][PDF] The Evolution of Cyberterrorism: Perspectives and Progress from The European Union and Association of Southeast Asian Nation
H Al Asyari - 2022 - dea.lib.unideb.hu
Terrorism, which has caused casualties, economic chaos, and even environmental damage,
remains a challenge that must be overcome by the state, whether at the national or …
remains a challenge that must be overcome by the state, whether at the national or …
Business Management and Strategy in Cybersecurity for Digital Transformation
F Özsungur - Handbook of Research on Advancing Cybersecurity for …, 2021 - igi-global.com
Cyber security threatens vital elements of enterprises such as network, information,
application, operational, sustainability, education, and trade secret. Digital transformation …
application, operational, sustainability, education, and trade secret. Digital transformation …
Constructing cyberterrorism as a security threat: a study of international news media coverage
This article examines the way in which the English language international news media has
constructed the threat of cyberterrorism. Analysing 535 news items published by 31 different …
constructed the threat of cyberterrorism. Analysing 535 news items published by 31 different …
Automated content classification in social media platforms
TM Chen - Securing social networks in cyberspace, 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
Social media platforms have developed comprehensive community standards to foster safe
and inoffensive environments. These community standards cover a range of unwanted …
and inoffensive environments. These community standards cover a range of unwanted …