Harmful freshwater algal blooms, with an emphasis on cyanobacteria

HW Paerl, RS Fulton, PH Moisander… - The Scientific World …, 2001 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Suspended algae, or phytoplankton, are the prime source of organic matter supporting food
webs in freshwater ecosystems. Phytoplankton productivity is reliant on adequate nutrient …

Diel horizontal migration of zooplankton: costs and benefits of inhabiting the littoral

RL Burks, DM Lodge, E Jeppesen… - Freshwater …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
1. In some shallow lakes, Daphnia and other important pelagic consumers of phytoplankton
undergo diel horizontal migration (DHM) into macrophytes or other structures in the littoral …

Biomanipulation of lake ecosystems: successful applications and expanding complexity in the underlying science

T Mehner, J Benndorf, P Kasprzak… - Freshwater …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
To illustrate advances made in biomanipulation research during the last decade, seven
main topics that emerged after the first biomanipulation conference in 1989 are discussed in …

[КНИГА][B] Diel vertical migration of zooplankton in lakes and oceans: causal explanations and adaptive significances

J Ringelberg - 2009 - books.google.com
Whatever theory may be advanced to explain diurnal migration, the underlying reactions
involved must be demonstrated conc-sively in the laboratory before the explanation can be …

Temperature impact on the midsummer decline of Daphnia galeata: an analysis of long‐term data from the biomanipulated Bautzen Reservoir (Germany)

JÜ Benndorf, J Kranich, T Mehner… - Freshwater Biology, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
1. The influence of water temperature on occurrence and duration of a midsummer decline
(MSD) of Daphnia galeata was studied in the biomanipulated Bautzen Reservoir in …

A review of predation impact by 0+ fish on zooplankton in fresh and brackish waters of the temperate northern hemisphere

T Mehner, R Thiel - Environmental Biology of Fishes, 1999 - Springer
To assess potential differences in predation impact on zooplankton communities by small
(larva) and large 0+ juvenile fish, 18 studies were reviewed from fresh water and the …

Diel vertical and horizontal distribution of crustacean zooplankton and young of the year fish in a sub-alpine lake: an approach based on high frequency sampling

S Masson, N Angeli, J Guillard… - Journal of Plankton …, 2001 - academic.oup.com
Understanding the spatial dynamics of predators and their prey is one of the most important
goals in aquatic ecology. We studied spatial and temporal onshore–offshore distribution …

To lose is to win: Long‐term co‐occurrence of two asexual populations realized by a dormant strategy of the inferior competitor

N Maruoka, K Yamaki, W Makino, J Urabe - Functional Ecology, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Asexual organisms are ubiquitous. While being members of a single species with the same
ecological requirements, multiple asexual genotypes within a species are often found in a …

[PDF][PDF] Не связанная с хищниками смертность планктонных ракообразных, ее возможные причины (обзор литературы)

ОП Дубовская - Журнал общей биологии, 2009 - researchgate.net
В природных популяциях рачкового зоопланктона определяемая косвенным образом
(как разность между рождаемостью и скоростью изменения численности) общая …

Simecol: an object-oriented framework for ecological modeling in R

T Petzoldt, K Rinke - Journal of Statistical Software, 2007 - jstatsoft.org
The simecol package provides an open structure to implement, simulate and share
ecological models. A generalized object-oriented architecture improves readability and …