When large language models meet personalization: Perspectives of challenges and opportunities
The advent of large language models marks a revolutionary breakthrough in artificial
intelligence. With the unprecedented scale of training and model parameters, the capability …
intelligence. With the unprecedented scale of training and model parameters, the capability …
A brief review of domain adaptation
Classical machine learning assumes that the training and test sets come from the same
distributions. Therefore, a model learned from the labeled training data is expected to …
distributions. Therefore, a model learned from the labeled training data is expected to …
Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) and topic modeling: models, applications, a survey
Topic modeling is one of the most powerful techniques in text mining for data mining, latent
data discovery, and finding relationships among data and text documents. Researchers …
data discovery, and finding relationships among data and text documents. Researchers …
Collaborative knowledge base embedding for recommender systems
Among different recommendation techniques, collaborative filtering usually suffer from
limited performance due to the sparsity of user-item interactions. To address the issues …
limited performance due to the sparsity of user-item interactions. To address the issues …
DKN: Deep knowledge-aware network for news recommendation
Online news recommender systems aim to address the information explosion of news and
make personalized recommendation for users. In general, news language is highly …
make personalized recommendation for users. In general, news language is highly …
Are we really making much progress? A worrying analysis of recent neural recommendation approaches
Deep learning techniques have become the method of choice for researchers working on
algorithmic aspects of recommender systems. With the strongly increased interest in …
algorithmic aspects of recommender systems. With the strongly increased interest in …
Artificial intelligence in marketing: Topic modeling, scientometric analysis, and research agenda
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) offers exciting opportunities for
marketing practice and academic research. In this study, through the application of natural …
marketing practice and academic research. In this study, through the application of natural …
Collaborative deep learning for recommender systems
Collaborative filtering (CF) is a successful approach commonly used by many recommender
systems. Conventional CF-based methods use the ratings given to items by users as the …
systems. Conventional CF-based methods use the ratings given to items by users as the …
Joint deep modeling of users and items using reviews for recommendation
A large amount of information exists in reviews written by users. This source of information
has been ignored by most of the current recommender systems while it can potentially …
has been ignored by most of the current recommender systems while it can potentially …
Hidden factors and hidden topics: understanding rating dimensions with review text
In order to recommend products to users we must ultimately predict how a user will respond
to a new product. To do so we must uncover the implicit tastes of each user as well as the …
to a new product. To do so we must uncover the implicit tastes of each user as well as the …