Moral disengagement at work: A review and research agenda

A Newman, H Le, A North-Samardzic… - Journal of business …, 2020 - Springer
Abstract Originally conceptualized by Bandura (Person Soc Psychol Rev 3: 193–209, 1999)
as the process of cognitive restructuring that allows individuals to disassociate with their …

Moral disengagement

C Moore - Current opinion in psychology, 2015 - Elsevier
Highlights•This review focuses on central questions in moral disengagement theory.•Theory
and empirical evidence confirms that MD can both mediate and moderate outcomes.•This …

Artificial intelligence based decision-making in accounting and auditing: ethical challenges and normative thinking

OM Lehner, K Ittonen, H Silvola, E Ström… - Accounting, Auditing & …, 2022 -
Purpose This paper aims to identify ethical challenges of using artificial intelligence (AI)-
based accounting systems for decision-making and discusses its findings based on Rest's …

A meta-analytic investigation of the antecedents, theoretical correlates, and consequences of moral disengagement at work.

BT Ogunfowora, VQ Nguyen, P Steel… - Journal of Applied …, 2022 -
Moral disengagement refers to a set of cognitive tactics people employ to sidestep moral self-
regulatory processes that normally prevent wrongdoing. In this study, we present a …

Relaxing moral reasoning to win: How organizational identification relates to unethical pro-organizational behavior.

M Chen, CC Chen, OJ Sheldon - Journal of applied psychology, 2016 -
Drawing on social identity theory and social–cognitive theory, we hypothesize that
organizational identification predicts unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) through …

[CARTE][B] Leaders matter morally: The role of ethical leadership in sha** employee moral cognition and misconduct.

C Moore, DM Mayer, FFT Chiang, C Crossley… - 2019 -
There has long been interest in how leaders influence the unethical behavior of those who
they lead. However, research in this area has tended to focus on leaders' direct influence …

Leader unethical pro-organizational behavior and employee unethical conduct: Social learning of moral disengagement as a behavioral principle

H Lian, M Huai, JL Farh, JC Huang… - Journal of …, 2022 -
Unethical behavior in organizations has attracted much attention among researchers, yet we
know little about when and why unethical behavior conducted by leaders that is intended to …

On the effects of ethical climate (s) on employees' behavior: A social identity approach

S Pagliaro, A Lo Presti, M Barattucci… - Frontiers in …, 2018 -
The spread and publicity given to questionable practices in the corporate world during the
last two decades have fostered an increasing interest about the importance of ethical work …

Egoistic norms, organizational identification, and the perceived ethicality of unethical pro-organizational behavior: A moral maturation perspective

KA Graham, CJ Resick, JA Margolis, P Shao… - Human …, 2020 -
Do some employees engage in unethical behavior because they actually believe it is the
right thing to do? We explore this question in this article. Unlike other forms of unethical …

Will creative employees always make trouble? Investigating the roles of moral identity and moral disengagement

X Zheng, X Qin, X Liu, H Liao - Journal of Business Ethics, 2019 - Springer
Recent research has uncovered the dark side of creativity by finding that creative individuals
are more likely to engage in unethical behavior. However, we argue that not all creative …