Smart governance for inclusive socio-economic transformation in South Africa: Are we there yet?

MP Rodríguez Bolívar, L Alcaide Muñoz… - E-participation in smart …, 2019 - Springer
Digital transformation that promotes inclusive socio-economic transformation of societies
into smart societies is often confronted by socio-economic, political and regulative …

E-government transformations: challenges and strategies

K Pedersen - Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 2018 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate how to analyse the possibilities for e-
government transformations in public sector organisations and how these possibilities can …

Inclusive digital transformation in South Africa: an institutional perspective

MI Manda, J Backhouse - … of the 11th International Conference on …, 2018 -
South Africa has adopted digital transformation as one of its strategies for promoting
inclusive growth. This is a case study of South Africa, a develo** country that has …

Towards “Smart Governance” through a multidisciplinary approach to E-government integration, interoperability and information sharing: A case of the LMIP project in …

MI Manda - International Conference on Electronic Government, 2017 - Springer
The integration and interoperability of e-government systems, and information sharing is
essential in transforming governments to “smart governments” that deliver services to …

Factors influencing taxi entrepreneurs to adopt intelligent transport management systems

L Motsi, B Chipangura - Journal of Transport and Supply Chain …, 2024 -
Abstract MOTSI, Lovemore and CHIPANGURA, Baldreck. Factors influencing taxi
entrepreneurs to adopt intelligent transport management systems. JTSCM [online]. 2024 …

The potential of implementing a toxicity tax for heavily polluting vehicles in the United Arab Emirates

HM Taleb - Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 2020 -
Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential of implementing a toxicity
tax for heavily polluting vehicles in United Arab Emirates. A fast-changing world needs …

Transforming government service: the importance of dynamic capabilities

K Pedersen - Electronic Government, an International …, 2017 -
The Danish government has defined an ambitious e-government strategy aiming to increase
both citizen centricity and the efficiency of government service production and delivery. This …

A big data framework to improve government service delivery in South Africa

K Nunu - 2019 -
Governments across the globe, including South Africa, have a duty and obligation to offer
effective and efficient services to the citizens. Due to government shortcomings, South Africa …

How Jakarta uses the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Urban Planning?

D Kurniawan, EP Purnomo… - … Conference on Public …, 2022 -
This research aims to look at the role of Information and Communications Technology in
urban spatial planning policy formulation based on community participation. Through its …

Transformação digital do governo na perspectiva do cidadão: uma netnografia em mídias sociais

WR Siqueira - 2023 -
A transformação organizacional é um dos termos mais usados na literatura organizacional
desde os anos 1970 e, recentemente, no âmbito governamental, tem sido abordado como …