[HTML][HTML] The effects of solution heat treatment on the microstructure and hardness of an aluminum-4% copper alloy with added nickel and tin
This study delves into the investigation of intermetallic compounds, specifically Al 3 Ni, Al 3
Sn, Al 2 Cu, Ni 3 Al, and their formation during the alloying additions and heat treatment …
Sn, Al 2 Cu, Ni 3 Al, and their formation during the alloying additions and heat treatment …
High-temperature mechanical properties and fracture mechanisms of Al–Si piston alloy reinforced with in situ TiB2 particles
G Han, W Zhang, G Zhang, Z Feng, Y Wang - Materials Science and …, 2015 - Elsevier
In order to assess the high-temperature performance of aluminum–silicon alloy reinforced
with titanium diboride particles as potential piston material, the tensile behaviors and …
with titanium diboride particles as potential piston material, the tensile behaviors and …
[HTML][HTML] Characterization of tensile fracture in heavily alloyed Al-Si piston alloy
G Zhang, J Zhang, B Li, CAI Wei - Progress in natural science: Materials …, 2011 - Elsevier
This paper focuses on a typical automotive piston material to characterize its fractographic
appearance after tensile rupture. The fracture of this heavily alloyed Al–Si alloy takes place …
appearance after tensile rupture. The fracture of this heavily alloyed Al–Si alloy takes place …
Low cycle fatigue behavior and fatigue life prediction of 2195 Al-Li alloy at warm temperatures
Z MENG, C ZHANG, C WU, H ZHANG, C Liang… - … of Nonferrous Metals …, 2023 - Elsevier
The strain-controlled low cycle fatigue (LCF) tests were firstly carried out to investigate the
LCF behavior of the 2195 Al-Li alloy at warm temperatures (100 and 200° C). All initial and …
LCF behavior of the 2195 Al-Li alloy at warm temperatures (100 and 200° C). All initial and …
Cyclic stress–strain behavior and low cycle fatigue life of cast A356 alloys
MS Song, YY Kong, MW Ran, YC She - International Journal of Fatigue, 2011 - Elsevier
The cyclic stress–strain behavior and the low cycle fatigue life of electrolytic A356 alloys with
different Ti contents were investigated, and the corresponding properties of melting A356 …
different Ti contents were investigated, and the corresponding properties of melting A356 …
Microstructure evolution of Al–12Si–CuNiMg alloy under high temperature low cycle fatigue
J Liu, Q Zhang, Z Zuo, Y **ong, F Ren… - Materials Science and …, 2013 - Elsevier
Microstructure evolution of the Al–12Si–CuNiMg alloy under high temperature low cycle
fatigue was investigated with scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The alloy …
fatigue was investigated with scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The alloy …
Wire EDM parameter optimization of AlSi10Mg alloy: processed by selective laser melting
This work attempts to optimize the multi-objective characteristics of wire electrical discharge
machining (WEDM) in SLM-fabricated AlSi10Mg through a hybrid artificial neural network …
machining (WEDM) in SLM-fabricated AlSi10Mg through a hybrid artificial neural network …
Fatigue behaviour of G20Mn5QT cast steel and butt welds with Q345B steel
Q Han, Q Guo, Y Yin, Y **ng - International Journal of Steel Structures, 2016 - Springer
A total number of 44 fatigue tests were conducted under total stain control, 26 for G20Mn5QT
cast steel and 18 for butt welds between G20Mn5QT cast steel and Q345B steel. Based on …
cast steel and 18 for butt welds between G20Mn5QT cast steel and Q345B steel. Based on …
Investigation on low-cycle fatigue behaviors of wrought superalloy GH4742 at room-temperature and 700° C
WW Kong, C Yuan, BN Zhang, HY Qin… - Materials Science and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Low-cycle fatigue (LCF) behavior of wrought superalloy GH4742 was studied at room-
temperature (RT) and 700° C. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Transmission …
temperature (RT) and 700° C. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Transmission …
High temperature low cycle fatigue and creep-fatigue behavior of a casting Al-9Si-CuMg alloy used for cylinder heads
B Guo, W Zhang, S Li, X Wang - Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2017 - Elsevier
The low-cycle fatigue test and the compression creep-fatigue test of the cast Al-9Si-CuMg
alloy for cylinder heads were carried out at high temperature. The cyclic mechanical …
alloy for cylinder heads were carried out at high temperature. The cyclic mechanical …