[HTML][HTML] Achieving human resource management sustainability in universities
The sustainability of human resource management (HRM) is the basis for an organization's
future growth and success. This study aims to investigate achieving HRM sustainability in …
future growth and success. This study aims to investigate achieving HRM sustainability in …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of entrepreneurial education on technology-based enterprises development: The mediating role of motivation
Technology-based enterprises play a paramount role in blooming a country economically.
Nevertheless, according to a society's capacity to launch such enterprises in various eras …
Nevertheless, according to a society's capacity to launch such enterprises in various eras …
Fostering the digital mindset to mitigate technostress: an empirical study of empowering individuals for using digital technologies
Purpose Technostress reduces employees' work performance and increases their turnover
intentions, such that technostress harms organizations' success. This paper investigates …
intentions, such that technostress harms organizations' success. This paper investigates …
A systematic literature review of the organizational voice
This paper investigates the related literature on employee voice to propose an integrated
concept of employee voice across different management areas, eg, human resources …
concept of employee voice across different management areas, eg, human resources …
Configuring a blueprint for Malaysian SMEs to survive through the COVID-19 crisis: The reinforcement of Quadruple Helix Innovation Model
When something unpredictable creates turbulence, the result can be disastrous not only for
Malaysian SMEs but also for the country's economic outline as well. So, how can SMEs …
Malaysian SMEs but also for the country's economic outline as well. So, how can SMEs …
Expats impulse buying behaviour in UAE: A customer perspective
Impulse buying behaviour has become an extensive and distinct marvel and has received
increasing consideration from customers. An impulse buy is a purchase made unprepared …
increasing consideration from customers. An impulse buy is a purchase made unprepared …
The Effects of Financial Literacy, Self-Efficacy, and Financial Stress on Risky Credit Behav-ior of Generation Z: Evidence from Pay Later Users
B Constansje, F Kurniasari… - … , Business and Economics, 2023 - scientificia.com
The utilization of pay later in Indonesia has increased significantly over the past year.
However, not all pay-later users are aware of the negative impact that comes with the …
However, not all pay-later users are aware of the negative impact that comes with the …
Quadruple helix engagement: reviews on shariah fintech based SMEs digitalization readiness
Abstract The development of Sharia Financial Technology (Fintech) after Covid-19 has
experienced significant fluctuations in affecting the country's economy. The importance of …
experienced significant fluctuations in affecting the country's economy. The importance of …
The influence of transformational leadership, professional ethics, and work competence on organizational commitment and its implications for the performance of ship …
The purpose of the study is to empirically prove the influence of transformational leadership,
professional ethics, work competence on commitment and its implications for the …
professional ethics, work competence on commitment and its implications for the …
Mediating role of wellbeing among organizational virtuousness, emotional intelligence and job performance in post-pandemic COVID-19
It is devastating to people's mental and emotional health to be exposed to the COVID-19
pandemic and the multifaceted response strategies are required to curb it. As a result of …
pandemic and the multifaceted response strategies are required to curb it. As a result of …