[HTML][HTML] Early social adversity, altered brain functional connectivity, and mental health
Early adverse environmental exposures during brain development are widespread risk
factors for the onset of severe mental disorders and strong and consistent predictors of …
factors for the onset of severe mental disorders and strong and consistent predictors of …
[HTML][HTML] A systematic review of childhood maltreatment and resting state functional connectivity
Resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) has the potential to shed light on how childhood
abuse and neglect relates to negative psychiatric outcomes. However, a comprehensive …
abuse and neglect relates to negative psychiatric outcomes. However, a comprehensive …
Associations of psychiatric disease and ageing with FKBP5 expression converge on superficial layer neurons of the neocortex
Identification and characterisation of novel targets for treatment is a priority in the field of
psychiatry. FKBP5 is a gene with decades of evidence suggesting its pathogenic role in a …
psychiatry. FKBP5 is a gene with decades of evidence suggesting its pathogenic role in a …
Early adversity as the prototype gene× environment interaction in mental disorders?
Childhood adversity (CA) as a significant stressor has consistently been associated with the
development of mental disorders. The interaction between CA and genetic variants has …
development of mental disorders. The interaction between CA and genetic variants has …
The impact of genetic variations in the serotonergic system on symptom severity and clinical outcome in functional neurological disorders
Objective We studied gene-environment, as well as gene-gene interaction to elucidate their
effects on symptom severity and predict clinical outcomes in functional neurological …
effects on symptom severity and predict clinical outcomes in functional neurological …
[HTML][HTML] Implementing core genes and an omnigenic model for behaviour traits prediction in genomics
T Rancelis, I Domarkiene, L Ambrozaityte, A Utkus - Genes, 2023 - mdpi.com
A high number of genome variants are associated with complex traits, mainly due to genome-
wide association studies (GWAS). Using polygenic risk scores (PRSs) is a widely accepted …
wide association studies (GWAS). Using polygenic risk scores (PRSs) is a widely accepted …
Map** gene by early life stress interactions on child subcortical brain structures: A genome‐wide prospective study
Background Although it is well‐established that both genetics and the environment influence
brain development, they are typically examined separately. Here, we aimed to prospectively …
brain development, they are typically examined separately. Here, we aimed to prospectively …
[HTML][HTML] Genetic-Dependent Brain Signatures of Resilience: Interactions among Childhood Abuse, Genetic Risks and Brain Function
Resilience to emotional disorders is critical for adolescent mental health, especially
following childhood abuse. Yet, brain signatures of resilience remain undetermined due to …
following childhood abuse. Yet, brain signatures of resilience remain undetermined due to …
Genetic Investigation of Physiological Phenotypes to Understand Anxiety Mechanisms
J Tomasi - 2024 - search.proquest.com
The role of genetics in the susceptibility for anxiety disorders is widely acknowledged, and
research to identify risk factors has advanced to encompass larger genome-wide …
research to identify risk factors has advanced to encompass larger genome-wide …
[PDF][PDF] Supplementary Material: The impact of genetic variations in the serotonergic system on symptom severity and clinical outcome in functional neurological …
S Weber, LTR Álvarez, J Ansede-Bermejo, R Cruz… - researchgate.net
15ml whole-blood was collected from each participant using two 7.5 ml EDTA S-Monovette
tubes (Sarstedt, Nümbrecht, Germany), and subsequently frozen at-20 C prior to DNA …
tubes (Sarstedt, Nümbrecht, Germany), and subsequently frozen at-20 C prior to DNA …