Deep learning techniques for image processing
A Adate, BK Tripathy - Machine learning for big data analysis, 2018 -
Most techniques in image processing involve algorithms that are custom built and lack
flexibility, making them different to the data being processed. In this chapter we elaborate …
flexibility, making them different to the data being processed. In this chapter we elaborate …
A process-based insight to the recent disappearance of streams in the central part of Tarai region, Uttarakhand, India
The integrated study of geomorphology and hydrogeology could be significant in predicting
and assessing the groundwater environment of ecologically sensitive terrains such as the …
and assessing the groundwater environment of ecologically sensitive terrains such as the …
Farklı kaynaklardan üretilmiş sayısal yükseklik modelleri kullanılarak oyuntu erozyonunun bazı topoğrafik karakteristiklerinin belirlenmesi
M Azami, R Gündoğan, T Yakupoğlu - Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki …, 2017 -
Topoğrafya toprak erozyonu süreçlerinde temel rol oynar. Topoğrafik karakteristiklerin elde
edilmesinde arazi ölçümleri esastır fakat bu yöntem çok zaman alıcı ve maliyetlidir. Oysaki …
edilmesinde arazi ölçümleri esastır fakat bu yöntem çok zaman alıcı ve maliyetlidir. Oysaki …
[PDF][PDF] An empirical study on the influence of image filters in effective closed contour extraction of lakes in satellite images
Objectives: The water contour extraction models using satellite images could be highly
useful in monitoring the long term changes in river tributaries, lakes and other coastal areas …
useful in monitoring the long term changes in river tributaries, lakes and other coastal areas …
Terrain model and gridding method variations for making topographic maps
RM Masri - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019 -
The purpose of research were:(1) exploring gridding method for making topographic
maps,(2) inventing terrain model that producing from 3D data,(3) structuring standard …
maps,(2) inventing terrain model that producing from 3D data,(3) structuring standard …
Determination of some topographical characteristics of gully erosion by using digital elevation models obtained from different sources.
M Azami, R Gündoğan, T Yakupoğlu - 2017 -
Topography plays basic role in soil erosion processes. Topographic characteristics can be
easily generated from digital models but quality is very important. In this research we …
easily generated from digital models but quality is very important. In this research we …
[SITAT][C] Kajian Gridding Method Untuk Membuat Contour Line, Post Map Dan Wireframe Peta Situasi Pekerjaan Teknik Sipil
I Muda Purwaamijaya - Konferensi Nasional Teknik Sipil. Program Studi Teknik …, 2018