Effect of various factors and diverse approaches to enhance the performance of solar stills: a comprehensive review
The need for fresh drinking water is increasing rapidly, and drinking water availability
reduces day by day. Solar desalination is a viable option to change saltwater to fresh …
reduces day by day. Solar desalination is a viable option to change saltwater to fresh …
Exploring stepped solar still developments with a case study for potable water provision in salt farming regions
All living things' most critical need is access to potable water, especially humans. India is
one of the countries where there is still a serious shortage of fresh, drinkable water …
one of the countries where there is still a serious shortage of fresh, drinkable water …
Energy-matrices, exergy, economic, environmental, exergoeconomic, enviroeconomic, and heat transfer (6E/HT) analysis of two passive/active solar still water …
In spite of numerous valuable researches for evaluating the effect of different parameters for
analyzing exergy/environmental/economic/energy-matrices/heat transfer of solar stills; the …
analyzing exergy/environmental/economic/energy-matrices/heat transfer of solar stills; the …
Performance enhancement of stepped double slope solar still by using nanoparticles and linen wicks: energy, exergy and economic analysis
This work aims to improve the thermal and economic analysis of stepped double slope solar
still (SDSSS) that integrated with linen wicks (LWs) and carbon black nanoparticles (CBNs) …
still (SDSSS) that integrated with linen wicks (LWs) and carbon black nanoparticles (CBNs) …
Development of a vacuum double-slope solar still for enhanced freshwater productivity
In this study, a solar-energy-driven high performance water purification system is designed,
fabricated, and examined, which may be useful for remote areas with limited access to grid …
fabricated, and examined, which may be useful for remote areas with limited access to grid …
Modified evacuated tube collector basin solar still for optimal desalination of reverse osmosis concentrate
This study focused on the optimal production feasibility of distilled water from the
concentrate of a reverse osmosis device using an evacuated tube collector basin solar still …
concentrate of a reverse osmosis device using an evacuated tube collector basin solar still …
An experimental work on the performance of single slope solar still incorporated with latent heat storage system in hot climate conditions
The limit production of freshwater is considered the main problem of solar still. So, the
objective of this work is studying the performance of single slope solar still coupled with …
objective of this work is studying the performance of single slope solar still coupled with …
Application of life cycle assessment for desalination: Progress, challenges and future directions
The sustainability performance of the desalination processes has received increasing
attention in recent years. In this study, the current progress and future perspective of a life …
attention in recent years. In this study, the current progress and future perspective of a life …
[HTML][HTML] Experimental study of simultaneous effect of evacuated tube collectors coupled with parabolic reflectors on traditional single slope solar still efficiency
Enhancing the performance characteristics of solar still is considered one of the most
significant factors to increase the still efficiency. This research aims to modify the single …
significant factors to increase the still efficiency. This research aims to modify the single …
Stepped solar Stills: A comprehensive review of Design, Performance, and optimization strategies for sustainable water desalination
Solar distillers are frequently used to desalinate water into drinkable water by utilizing solar
energy. However, their low productivity and efficiency have hindered their widespread …
energy. However, their low productivity and efficiency have hindered their widespread …